Sick :(
Yep, its Sunday afternoon, Kati i sick in bed trying to recover and River is recovering from being sick too, fighting with every breath to go to sleep. I think I FINALLY have a couple of minutes to get on here for a quick update!
We have had such a busy few weeks lately. We went away to Tasmania for a week at the start of April, which was unfortunately not an enjoyable holiday as we would have hoped. River was so upset the whole time, right from the moment we took off, but thankfully Kati is such a good mum that she managed to settle her on the way there an dthe way back to save us from being ‘those people’ with the screaming kid on the plane! In hindsight we would have been better off going while she was younger, say around 3-4 months (which is when I originally applied for leave but was denied) or waited until she was a bit older. I mean it was nice to have different surroundings, but it wasnt relaxing and we weren’t able to do much. Everytime we got out of the car to go for a walk or do something, River got upset. We even had to leave dinner in the middle one night because she just couldnt settle.
It also seems like there has been something on every weekend at my parents lately, be it dinners or birthday lunches or whatever. We all just need a break and some time to ourselves I think, but it was too late, River started to get sick last weekend, she had a really nasty cough that she just couldnt control. By Wednesday we gave in and took her to the Dr, but thankfully he didnt think it was anything nasty, just a virus. So we have been keeping an eye on her, but now Kati has it aswell, and has been trying to fight it for the last few days and I feel it coming on myself now aswell 🙁 On top of all that, work has been so busy and stressful lately, just been getting some really messed up repairs in, the sort that are in the shop for 2-3 days and still not getting anywhere. I had 3 of those this week alone, I normally get 1 a month if that!
Anyway, thats enough whinging for now! I will note later, Im going to go and relax for a while before its too late! Hope everyone else is well and had a good weekend! 🙂
I love the new picture. Its so good to read your update! (even if things havent been going as smoothly as you would like) Please tell Kati I said howdy, and give River a kiss from me! Take care
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