Won’t sleep..feeling down.

I’ve had a bit of the pregnancy blues the last few days, which is very unlike me. =(  I have just been so exhausted and Emily has a cold and her sleep is complete crap.  It took two hours to get her to sleep Monday night and then she woke up at 2am and there was nothing I could do to calm her down.  I tried for an hour and a half before having Bryan just bounce her to sleep.  I strained a muscle in my back at some point during that.  So I was exhausted and ended up getting maybe six very broken hours of sleep.  And Emily woke up at 7am after all of that!  
Yesterday I was so tired I would have slept in my office if I could have gotten comfortable.  She had KinderMusic and that went great.  She was really vocal and interactive and participating in what the class was doing.  It was fun to watch.  You think that would wear her out, on top of the fact she hardly slept at all the night before, but it took me almost two hours again last night to put her to sleep.
And I was ashamed at how frustrated I was.  I was so incredibly tired and she had been rolling around and trying to crawl off the end of the bed and I was having to block my stomach from headbutts and kicks for an hour before I had enough and made her lay in one spot.  I wasn’t holding her arms and legs, but I wouldn’t let her roll away and "play".  She essentially distracts herself so she doesn’t fall asleep.  And she screamed and cried and was hysterical, and I cried right along with her, but I didn’t let her roll away.  She screamed for probably a half hour before giving up and falling asleep. 
 I just don’t know what else to do.  If I keep her up later until she’s more tired, I won’t even get 7 hours or sleep at night and she won’t get anywhere near how much sleep she needs.  I’m at a loss as to what to do.  She screamed and cried hysterically the first few days of transitioning her from bouncing to sleep to laying in bed with me, now she doesn’t cry at all.  But she keeps pushing it further and further and getting more and more active after the lights are turned out.  The only thing I can think of is to not let her move around like that anymore and she’ll adjust to it in a few days…but I also want her to be comfortable falling asleep too.  *sigh*
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me-color: rgba(191, 107, 82, 0.496094); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; “> I had pretty bad morning sickness all day Monday and yesterday too, which obviously didn’t help.  I feel fine today, but I’m exhausted and actually dreading nighttime.  She is a perfect little angel during the day and I literally enjoy every second of her during the day…but she’s killing me with the sleep thing.  I keep telling myself that I’m so lucky with her temperament and attitude that I should just accept the sleep issues..but right now it’s effecting me during the day being so exhausted.  I just have to figure out a solution…
My judge has been sick all week and I actually considered going home and then having the nanny still come after Emily goes down for her nap so I can just sleep and she can get her when she wakes up, but I’ve never been a good napper.  Even if I’m tired I usually can’t sleep during the day, and then I’m sure I would hear Emily and want to see her and play with her so I would get up anyways.  It would be nice to just take a shower by myself and try and rest though.  Maybe I’ll do that.  If I can even sleep an hour I might be less prone to get frustrated tonight.
Wish me luck on that one. =/
I’m sure in a few days it will resolve itself and I’ll figure it out and be back to my chipper self.  I just have to remember that.

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March 13, 2013

What a frustrating problem you guys have to deal with every day! I really wish I had some kind of magical solution for you 🙁

March 13, 2013

That’s rough 🙁 And unfortunately I have nothing to offer other than positive wishes that it’ll get better!!

March 14, 2013

She didn’t FIGHT sleep like Jack did, she just woke up 1.3 billion times a night. As strange as it sounds, that was MUCH easier to deal with, because even though she’d wake up, she’d nurse and go right back to sleep with no fuss. THAT was amazing. It does end (coming from someone who still cuddles her almost 6 year old to sleep every night). I wish I could do something for you. Please let me know if I can sis, ok? Love you! See you soon!