Weekend stuff *pics*

Ah, Monday.  You suck.  Heh.  Actually I feel pretty great today, so I won’t complain!  Emily has still be sleeping well *shock* so her and I have felt rested and good for a while now.  On Saturday we played outside in the morning before her nap, then when she went down for her nap I headed to the outlet mall!  Now, that’s a big deal because if I’m not at work, I pretty much always have Emily with me.  The last time we went to the mall just trying to look at clothes for the kids and get Emily some new shoes, it was just a nightmare.  She is great, but there’s a ton of kids’ stuff outside and it’s nearly impossible to actually concentrate and look at stuff.


I figured that would be my last chance to actually go out shopping, uninterrupted, for a long, long time, so I took advantage. =)  Oh, my aching wallet.  I pretty much bought all the 3T clothes Emily will ever need.  She’s been blowing the feet out of her 2T footie jammies and she *hates* when her toes poke through, lol.  So I got her a bunch of new jammies and of course got Caden some as well.  *So* strange buying boy clothes, lol!  Btw, I don’t understand why people buy button-up jammies.  Have you ever tried correctly buttoning jammies in the dark or semi-dark after changing a baby?  Nearly impossible, lol.  Zipper jammies are my friend, and I got a ton of them.


I went to The Children’s Place, Osh Gosh, Stride Rite & Carter’s.  We’ve never been ones to over buy on clothes, so it was all much needed.  I didn’t need a ton of baby clothes for Emily because my sister gave me so many hand-me-downs for newborn through 12mo, but I have to buy the majority of that for Caden.  I also got him adorable stuff to wear in Hawaii since he’ll be three months when we go and it’s hard as heck to find that kind of stuff after summer.  Cutest little sun shirts and shorts.  *sigh*  I still can’t believe I’m going to have a little baby again!  I am so looking forward to it.  


99 days until his scheduled birthday!!  I wonder if I’ll make it all the way to the c-section date.  Part of me really hopes I do, because I want my doctor to be the one performing the surgery and if I go early it will just be whoever happens to be there =/, but it would also be nice to meet him a few days early. =) You get so impatient at the end.  Here I am, three months (plus) out, and I am already impatient!


After I got home from shopping, Emily was up from her nap so we had lunch and went to the petting zoo and pool!  The petting zoo was really small, but it was fun and cute to watch her.  She got to pet a few goats. =) The swimming pool was nice, but I think I enjoyed it the most, lol!  Just feeling weightless for a little while is nice.  Emily had a lot of fun too, so I’m sure we’ll go back soon.  It’s attached to a big park, so we did that afterwards.  It was a busy Saturday!  She’s been so active during the day lately with all of our activities, she’s taking a two-hour nap most days and still sleeping through the night!  I’m betting it’s a growth spurt still.


Oh, I forgot to mention that on Friday we ended up going to that little island!  It was a gorgeous day, blue sky and nice and warm, but it was very windy over there.  It was nice though, just me and my girl, taking the little ferry boat across, walking to the beach, playing in the sand, building a sand castle, eating a snack, chasing birds.  We’ll maybe go back some day, but the wind really was quite ridiculous.  

Yesterday was chore and errands day.  We went to Babies R Us and got Emily’s pouches and more clothes, more clothes for Caden, then headed to Whole Foods and stocked up.  I cleaned our master bath while Emily napped.  I finally had the time to clean like I wanted, but I really didn’t’ feel like it once she went down for her nap, lol.  I don’t get the opportunity much though, so I did it and got into it once I started at least.  I was putting the dishes away later that day and noticed the silverware holder looked a little dirty, so I took that out and cleaned it, which led to me taking out and cleaning the entire drawer, heh.  It’s the small things that start to bug me and then turn into projects. =)


I’ve been feeling great physically.  I mean, I feel big and it’s like moving a mountain getting up off the ground or out of bed, but such is life.  My leg/butt pain thing is completely gone, so it was just ligaments stretching.  I’ve been getting a ton of sleep (seriously, like 9-10 hours a night) but by the end of the day each day I am tired and ready to go to bed.  

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Emily has been such a mama’s girl the last few weeks. =)  Bryan was a little hurt yesterday morning when I asked him to go get Emily from her crib when she woke up and when he got there she was pretty upset that it wasn’t me. =/ Funny, the cycles she goes through.  It does hurt when your child favors someone over you though, even if it is a stage.  She’s done the same thing with him and all you can do is ride it out.  She is such a little joy though, always happy.  When we were at Babies R Us we were playing on the beds they have and another little girl (she was 3) was there and they were playing nice at first, then the girl got a bit nasty.  It’s so hard to watch. *sigh*  She didn’t want Emily touching a lamp and would scream, “NO! MINE!” at her when she did.  So Emily just stood there watching her play with it. =/ And it was made more awkward by the fact her parents were deaf and couldn’t actually hear what she was saying, so it looked like she was playing nice when she wasn’t.


Then the girl kept following us everywhere, kind of being snotty and taking the stuffed animal Emily was holding, etc.  Of course Emily thought it was a game and tried to hand her a bunch of them after that, but I just wanted the kid to leave already.  I think I am going to have a tough time when she enters school and someone isn’t nice to her, lol.  She’s just so damn sweet and innocent and she just assumes other kids are nice too.  Though I’ve got to admit, my kid is the possessive brat over this stupid wheel at the park.  I don’t know what it is about it..but she doesn’t want anyone else to touch it!  She will happily share her most prized possessions and really likes to share for the most part..but if someone else even comes near that damn wheel she screams “NO!!”, lol!  I’ve been working on it. =)


I need to work on a transcript now, so I’ll stop procrastinating.  26 weeks on Wednesday!  Woohoo!



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July 22, 2013

I love shopping for clothes for the kids! Glad you got to enjoy yourself 🙂 My kid is the same as yours – just sweet and nice (usually lol). It’s hard when more forceful kids aren’t very nice to them. 99 days?! WOW!

July 22, 2013

I definitely get what you mean about how in the later stages of your pregnancy you just want to HAVE your baby already! I have 16 days left and it is so close now that I just want the days to whip by but they’re not going fast enough 🙁 Sounds like you’re having a wonderful summer with Emily! All that clothes shopping sounds expensive. Kinda glad I didn’t have to buy much 🙂