VBAC vs. C-section.


I had my first OB appointment this morning.  Pretty boring.  Just took down all my paperwork and information, insurances, etc, then took a ton of blood.  I’m always so proud of myself after I let them stick me with the needle, LOL.  If you knew me even just five years ago I would pull my arm away and start crying without letting them touch me.  Serious phobia, I tell you.  I still feel incredibly nervous and have the urge to pull away, but I’m a good girl now and hold still. =)


My next appointment is April 10th, and I’ll be 10 week and a few days then.  She said they will do an ultrasound that day and make sure there’s only one in there and confirm my due date.  I know they are going to do a pap and everything that appointment, but I still want Bryan and Emily to come.  I don’t want Bryan to have to miss an ultrasound and Emily usually clings to one of us and is silent when we’re at the doctor’s office anyways, so I think it will be fine.  I know the doctor and nurses really want to see Emily too.  The nurse was saying today how she can’t believe it’s almost been two years!  It really brought me back walking up to the building too because I hadn’t been there since right after I had Emily.  =)


Anyways, one of the questions she asked was if I knew whether I wanted to try for a VBAC or have a repeat C-section.  I wavered.  I know the answer most people want to hear.  I know the answer most of you want to hear. =)  So I lied and said I don’t know, and qualified it by saying I think this baby will probably be breech anyways since I still have a small septum and smaller space for a baby to turn so I expected a C-section.  


But that’s a lie.  In all honesty, I know what I want.  I know if this pregnancy is perfect and I have zero problems and the baby is head down, I will want a C-section.  I don’t know why I feel ashamed of that even though it’s my pregnancy and my body and my decision.  It’s like there’s such a stigma to it.  Who would CHOOSE a C-section?  Well….me.  Maybe I’m “less of a woman” for not wanting to experience vaginal child birth, but that doesn’t really bug me.  I can honestly say I know I won’t regret not having one.  It’s just not something I long to do or experience.  And yes, maybe I’m missing out on some amazing experience that you can only feel after going through it, but I really just don’t care.  I have pictures of Emily’s entire birth.  The moment her little foot came out (she was breech, remember) and every little inch of her body being born.  The minute they held her up, when her cord was cut, when she first cried (which made me cry) and it was just a wonderful, wonderful experience.  I have the whole thing on video as well.  I still cry when I watch the moment they hand her to me and I start crying and saying how beautiful she is.  


There’s just not a single thing I would change about it.  And my recovery was pretty damn easy.  I mean, of course it’s rough going from being huge and pregnant to a baby being taken from your body, but you are going to be sore whichever way it’s done.  I was breastfeeding her within the hour of her being born.  I was up and walking that night (she was born at 10:01am).  Hell, I mowed our not-easy-to-mow lawn a few short weeks after I had her.  So, I really can’t see a reason to do it another way.


I know I would never do a medication free birth even if I was doing a VBAC.  I assume I would be hooked up to an epidural and other drugs for a few hours at least before I gave birth.  I had zero medication with Emily until maybe 8 minutes before she was born.  I do wish I could have the experience of her being skin to skin immediately after she was born, but not enough to want to go through childbirth to get it, lol.  The second they gave Emily to me I stripped her down and held her to my chest anyways and that was amazing.


So, I think it’s the right choice for me and I don’t think there’s any way to talk me out of it.  The idea of doing a VBAC terrifies me.  I would be terrified beforehand, I would be terrified during, and I think I would be a wreck.  With a C-section I will walk in excited and happy and calm.



I’m sorry if that disappoints anyone, but I really do know me and my body and my situation and I know this is the right decision for us.  I know I don’t have to explain myself, but I felt like writing it down and I know people are going to eventually ask if I’m going for a VBAC when I have no intention of doing so.  So..there’s that answer. =)

Writes the not even 8 week pregnant lady who doesn’t know if there’s even a heartbeat at this point.  *le sigh*


Now that that’s off my chest, I can write about how god awful I feel!  Ha. Nah, I won’t blather on.  But the “morning” sickness is holding on strong and I still can’t sleep for crap.  It will pass eventually.


And thanks for the ideas on the Easter basket for Emily!  I think instead of the plastic eggs that we’re going to “hunt” for real eggs and then I’ll make a little candy for her to go in her basket.  I tend to overanalyze things and it’s really not as difficult as I’m making it out to be.


All right, I need to finish some work so I can go home early to my baby!




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March 21, 2013

Oh girl, I don’t think anyone is disapointed in you. I would be scared of a VBAC, too – even though I’m FREAKED by sections themselves and know that true uterine rupture is only like 1 in 2000. Blah blah blah… it most defintely sounds like a repeat is what’s right for you… My big BUT, (more of a question, really and not at all in a way to try to change your mind or make you feel bad)- an honest question because I’m pretty sure you’re 100000000x more educated on the subject… Emily’s crazy allergies must be a total fluke, nothing causes this… but I do know that the vagina is so close to the anus for a reason, Mom’s bacteria being the first exposure is good for all that stuff with the gut flora, blah blah, have you considered/read about the relation of allergies and sterile birth? That’s why I initially asked about whether or not you’d vbac… I don’t even know what sort of info is even out there… I’m really just picking your brain because I’m an info geek about these things. For realz though… no judgement. As pro vag as I am, I honestly think I wouldn’t have the balls for a VBAC – so I hope this is coming out right…?

March 21, 2013

I had a repeat section, by choice. It was the best decision for me, and that’s all that matters! Same goes for you 🙂

I completely understand. I am sure I will be judged for choosing a repeat section when we have another. I honestly love the idea of having a vaginal birth in many ways, but it just isn’t meant for me. I’m fine with that now. A repeat section is in many ways much safer. I have spoken with 3 specialists and they have all told me I have a 5% chance of delivering vaginally. Um, no thanks.

Not worth the risk! It does not make us any less of women for having a scheduled c-section. Sections are major surgery! They are no joke. I had a scary time on the operating table, but thankfully I healed really quickly and did well also. I’ve heard a lot that second sections are even better, for most women. The fact it won’t be an EMCS is a major difference on it’s own! No judgement here! xxx

March 21, 2013

It’s absolutely your decision and you have every right to it! No one has a right to judge you. Geez, at one point I even considered an elective c-section just ‘cuz, but now I’m thinking I’ll aim for a vaginal birth but if I have to get a c-section, that’s fine! I’m not even a mommy yet and I’m so dreading this “mommy guilt” that I think society thrives on instilling for some awful reason!

March 22, 2013

Hey I’m totally with you on wanting another C-section. Don’t feel guilty at all. I, too, have no desire for a natural birth and after my doctor told me if I tried for a VBAC there’s at most a 50% chance it’ll work out I thought why bother trying. She actually recommended a C-section so I feel great about my decision! We’re both gonna know exactly what day we’re having our babies this time…

March 22, 2013

how freaking cool is that?? My recovery wasn’t too bad either. Once a couple of weeks had passed I felt wonderful but even those 2 weeks were finally. My parents came to help out and I barely felt like I needed them there. It was just nice to have company. Oh and as for needles, years ago I used to SCREAM when I got them and they’d have to wrestle me down. Now I just look away and cringe lol.

March 22, 2013

There is no shame at all! It is your decision. You are never going to please everyone so just please yourself. 🙂

March 22, 2013

Do people actually judge each other on HOW a baby is born? Seriously? You have had so many UN-predictable things happen to you with your fertility and pregnancy. Give birth how YOU want to! I honestly wish that they would have taken Jack by C-Section – I still don’t pee right 9 years later from having his big head “naturally”. They yanked him out with a flippin vacuum, I ripped so badlyI had 52 stitches and he was jaundiced horribly from all of the bruising, he had to lay on a light bed for a week. It took me more than a month to recover. Sammy’s birth on the other hand was PERFECT. I basically didn’t have any labor, not one single drug, and she was born in 27 minutes. I think YOU were in the room with me 5 minutes after she was born with Mom and Jack, remember? I felt amazing within minutes and recovery was a breeze, they took her out and she was on my chest in a split second. BUT. I had a perfectly normal pregnancy, never had fertility problems or surgeries, already had a healthy baby, AND a previous vaginal birth. Still wish they would have done Jack by C-Section, even after all that! A healthy baby, a healthy happy YOU

I had natural delivery 1st time but I’m havin a csection this time, nothing to be ashamed of 🙂 it’s ur body and ur baby after all. Xx