Slide & pool

I am having a great week!  The weather has just been amazing and I have gotten off really early from work each day.  I left at 1:45 yesterday and went to Walmart to get Emily an outdoor playhouse.  I have been searching on Craigslist for weeks for a used one but they get snapped up the second they’re posted.
And ironically Walmart doesn’t actually have them in stock at the store.  Grrr.  So I ended up getting her a slide and a very cool pool!


Cute, no?
Took me a damn hour to blow the thing up and by that time the sun was going down and it wasn’t as warm, so she hasn’t tried it with water yet.  Hopefully when I get home today!  Hopefully he nanny doesn’t get to it first.  She’s a little on the bigger side and her temperate gauge is a little off.  She had Emily outside in a tank top a few weeks ago when I got home and her nose was red and she was freezing!  Yet the nanny was saying how warm it was.  I had my coat on and felt the cold.  Anyways, I wouldn’t doubt that she would fill it with freezing hose water, lol.  It’s not THAT warm out, just warm for Washington standards. =) And yes, I did tell her she needed a coat and it wasn’t an issue.  
Emily is in love with the slide.  I put it on the grass next to where I was blowing up the pool and she played on it the entire hour it took me!  Then I brought it inside and we made it going into the ball pit and she can’t get enough of it, lol.  So cute.
She is getting more and more into playing with dolls lately.  She loves when you do the "this little piggy" thing with her toes, and now she’ll grab her baby doll and do it and then tickle it!  So adorable.  She’s been putting it down the slide as well.
She had a bad allergy reaction this morning.  I don’t find it a coincidence that the three times her eyes have gotten huge and red and swollen is with Bryan.  I made her breakfast and I know it wasn’t anything in there, so I asked Bryan what he had for breakfast.  Peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  The only time she reacts like that with the swelling is when she’s had contact with nuts..but nooo, Bryan insists there is no connection.  He drives me bonkers sometimes.  He said he washed his hands and mouth afterwards, so he probably spilled something and she touched it.  Grr.  At least it wasn’t enough to cause a rash and vomiting this time, but when he told me about it and I FaceTimed with her her left eye was beet red and extremely swollen.  *sigh* I just switched to almond butter so I don’t have to worry about it, but the pickiest eater in he world would never touch such a thing.
*rant over*
<div style="font-family: Noteworthy; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 24px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26,

26, 26, 0.296875); -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(130, 98, 83, 0.0976563); -webkit-composition-frame-color: rgba(191, 107, 82, 0.496094); “>I overdid it physically yesterday and was exhausted and a bit crampy at bedtime last night. I got home before 3:00 and after I put sunblock on Emily we spent a good 3-plus hours outside, then a few more hours running around inside.  Pumping up the pool is probably what did it..and I was in the sun and didn’t have a water bottle with me so I was probably a bit dehydrated too.  I feel fine today though, so I’ll just keep on top of the water.
Interesting thing happened this morning.  I get to work, park my car in my paid parking spot and start walking to my building.  A guy across the street starts yelling "You are parking illegally!!  I will have you towed!!!" I looked around because I figured be had to be talking to someone else.  He kept yelling and I realized he was clearly yelling at me.  I have to cross the street to that side, and when I get over there he starts walking fast towards me yelling.  What a freak!!  So I just yell at him that I pay for the fucking parking spot and go ahead and try to get it towed!  He stopped at least..but jesus, you’re going to freak out and rush a person over a parking spot?  And one that I pay for, no less.  Fucking crazy people.
Usually when a day starts like that it means it’s going to be a bad day, lol, but so far so good..besides Emily’s reaction.
I think I’m going to go clean out the inside of my car (hopefully that’s not keyed by a psychopath) and head home to my baby!

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That slide looks very similar to the one we plan on getting Ava! That pool is AWESOME! She will have tons of fun in it, I’m sure! I can’t wait to have consistently good weather so we can spend more time outside! That guy sounds like a freak. Be careful!

April 25, 2013

That is the coolest pool I’ve ever seen! So cute! What an awesome Mommy you are to get her that and a slide 🙂

April 25, 2013

That pool looks awesome! Have you tried sunbutter? (Is she allergic to sunflower seeds?). The taste/texture is really similar to peanut butter, and it’s really easy to make at home!

April 27, 2013

What an fun pool! I’m sure she’ll enjoy it a lot this summer 🙂

April 30, 2013

RYN: I know )= If it wasn’t for the baby my parents would have already kicked her out.I hate to say it, especially for my parents and hers, but if he ever decided he wanted custody he’d probably get it.. married with stable job vs welfare recovering addict? Not that that’s likely, bc from the wife’s POV I certainly wouldn’t want to raise my husband’s lovechild. but she shud think of that too. )=