Sick and teething

I would say things have been crazy and that’s why I haven’t written, but it’s really just laziness. =) Emily was sick this week and then had the worst teething night of her life last night though.  That’s been fun.


We were really out and about last weekend.  We went to the mall and while we were there we went to the play place they have.  As much as I hate bringing her there because of the giant quantity of germs and the kids who run around with apparently no supervision and aren’t playing appropriately, she loves it and I am trying to get her to interact with kids more.  I imagine that’s how she got sick as well. Such is life.  It doesn’t help that she has a small obsession with kissing things right now.  There was this plastic statue of a bird that kids could climb on and she just stood there hugging it for like five minutes and coming back to it every now and then, lol.  Unfortunately she kissed said bird statue.  *shiver* I won’t even mention the kid who slapped Emily’s hand away from it and I was -><- close to going into ferocious mommy-mode on her until I realized that Emily didn’t actually care.  I’m going to have to keep that in check.  While I didn’t actually do anything, I’m pretty sure my eyes bulged and the girl thought I was going to throw her off of the thing, lol.  But dude, she was like 6.  You don’t slap a 1-year-old.  Not cool.  If they were of similar age I would have just watched and let her try to work it out, but I just redirected her this time.


Anyways, the next morning she puked all over me.  She’s only thrown up a few times (mostly allergy related), but every time she does she becomes really clingy, has me pick her up, then keeps the puke completely contained on my person.  It’s actually pretty handy since all I have to do is change my clothes.  No carpet cleaning or scrubbing required! =)  She’s so sweet and calm too that it’s not that big of a deal, except for the fact she doesn’t feel good. But I just rubbed her back as she vomited all over me.  Ah motherhood.


That was the only time she threw up and then she had a slight fever the rest of the day, a pretty high fever the next day, and then it was gone!  Amazing!  I wish they all went that quickly.  And she is so happy regardless of having a fever too.  She didn’t cry once.  Such a big girl.


I think I mentioned this before, but she was teething pretty bad a week or so ago and that tooth finally came through.  She only needs her second molars now!  She was fine for a few days, and then the last few days seems to be teething hardcore.  Even Advil before bed didn’t help.  The night before last I bounced her for an hour to put her to bed and then she woke up at night and Bryan bounced her for an hour and a half!  She woke up many other times too but didn’t need to be bounced for those.  Then last night it took an hour to bounce her to sleep (10:30pm!! Waaaay too late!) and she woke up at 1:30am just hysterical.  So I go in there and she is sooo restless.  She kept kind of falling asleep but if you moved her even an inch she was wide awake and talking or crying.  Two and a half hours at 4:00am, I bring her into our room and just lay down on the bed with her.  My back was killing me, I was drenched in sweat and I literally could no longer bounce her.  Talk about a workout.


She didn’t cry at first, she just refused to lay down.  At that point I didn’t care.  Hey, you want to sit next to me while I sleep?  Okay.  LOL.  Not that she would actually allow me to close my eyes.  If I closed them, she screamed at me.  Brat.  Ha! =)  She was exhausted and wouldn’t or couldn’t sleep.  Eventually Bryan took her back to her room and bounced her for another HOUR and she went to sleep.  She woke up at 9am this morning happy as a clam, like she got all the sleep in the world.  I, however, couldn’t go back to sleep since I felt like I had just run a marathon at 4 o’clock in the morning and am now exhausted, heh.  We are limiting her nap to three hours today because we are NOT doing this again tonight.  Mommy and daddy need more than two hours of sleep a night.  How much do you want to bet she doesn’t even sleep a full three hours for her nap?  She’s an enigma, I tell you.


She is in love with the itsy bitsy spider song right now.  It is so cute

.  She does the spider fingers and the rain falling down and everything. =)  She has also been counting to three!  We always count things and if I ask her to say it after me she does, like if I point to something and say “say one”, she’ll say one, then “say two” she’ll say two.  But a few days ago after I had just counted three of her little bouncy balls, she pointed to them one at a time and said “one, two, three” all by herself!  Such a smart little girl.  She can say please and thank you spontaneously now.  It’s strange not knowing if they really understand the meaning, but she seems to use it in the right context.  It’s so fun watching her grow.


Okay, TTC talk!  I didn’t plan things exactly the way I would have if I was really trying, but we did have sex after I ovulated, so there’s a possibility.  If I am pregnant I am bronzing my ovulation monitor. I love that thing.  Worth every penny.  I ovulated on CD 20 and I’m on CD 25 now.  Ironically if we get pregnant the due date is calculated to be October 5th, which is the anniversary of when Bryan and I got together!  We celebrated on that day every year before our wedding!  And Emily was conceived on September 19th, which is our wedding anniversary date.  Crazy.  


Bryan was mentioning yesterday how we need to get Emily to sleep without bouncing her, but we always push it back because she’s teething and in pain and that’s the only way we can comfort her at nighttime for that..or the only way she’ll allow, at least.  I figure if her second molars are her last baby teeth, she will certainly have those before any baby comes along and we will be able to figure it out beforehand.  I think he is excited for another baby but he’s nervous how we can handle both.  We are just very hands on with Emily and she gets so much attention from the both of us that we’re scared to take any of that away from her.  Will she resent a sibling more since a very drastic change in attention is going to occur?  I totally agree that the gift of a sibling is worth any of that which we have to work through, but it still really sucks when you’re trying to navigate it in the moment, I’m sure.  Cross that bridge when we get to it, I suppose..but I can’t help feeling guilty about it before it’s even happened!  Yeesh.


Work has been dead the last two weeks.  I literally sat in my office watching Weeds on my phone until I could go home for the majority of last week, lol.  At least I’ve been able to go home early.  I got home at 2:15 yesterday and Emily and I were able to go grocery shopping and go to the pet store.  I’m thinking I’ll probably get home before she even wakes up from her nap today!  Very happy to be spending so much time with my baby.  Now that winter break is over and Bryan is back to work, balance has been restored and I am no longer shunned, lol.  In fact, it’s all about mommy again right now.  And I’ll soak up every second!!


We finally got our family portraits back.  You’ve seen them if you’re on my FB, but I will post them here soon.  Probably this weekend.  They turned out all right, but I won’t be using that photographer again.  She gave us the pictures WEEKS after she said she would, she charged us more than we originally agreed to.  She’s a good photographer but she was a pain in the butt so I’m just going to find someone else next time.  


I think I am going to book our Great Wolf Lodge trip for May 25th and 26th.  It’s a ways out, but that’s a three-day weekend and it has the room I wanted available then and is a good price.  I had to call today and make sure they had a fridge and microwave in the room because we’ll have to bring all of Emily’s food with us.  I highly doubt she’ll be able to eat anything there beside maybe fruit or something, poor thing.  At least she’s too young to realize what she’s missing out on.


All right, I’m going home!



an class=”s3″>~Sheralyn


Here’s a sneak peak on the pictures =)

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January 17, 2013

Love the picture. Good luck TTC!