She went potty!! & school stuff

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!


Of course by baby has an adorable outfit for the day. =)  I will try to remember to post pictures later!  I found a recipe online for vegan & soy free cookies, manipulated it so it was nut free as well, and made her cookies for today!  She’s never had a cookie before, but I think she’ll like them.   I let her eat some of the batter when I was making them yesterday (obviously no eggs in it since she’s allergic and all) and she really liked that, so I think they’ll be a hit!


Bryan and I didn’t want to hassle with trying to eat out on Valentine’s Day, so we bought some steak and lobsters and we’ll have a good dinner at home instead!  Sounds good to me! =)


You will never guess what she did at lunch today!!  So I was able to come home for lunch and I was changing her diaper and I’ve been telling her she can go pee pee on the potty if she wants after I take them off.  She loves sitting on the thing fully clothed, so I figured one of these days when she’s naked and sits on it she might just go.  And she did!!!  I think it actually scared her though, lol.  She’s been playing this game where she closes the door on us and then runs and sits on her potty until I open and squeal with glee that she’s sitting on the potty.  She likes the game and it makes her excited to sit on the potty, so I figure it’s a good thing. =)  Anyways, we usually play the game when she’s clothed, but she was naked and when she shut the door I heard her run to her potty, so I told her to go pee pee.  I open the door and she comes running at me all wide eyed, then runs back to the potty and looks in it..then sticks her hand in it, lol.  I didn’t think there was actually anything in it so I didn’t care until I looked and saw she actually went!!  Turns out she stood up halfway through and peed on the floor a little too..but who cares!  She went in the potty!!! =D


I have no intention of actually starting to potty train her, but it’s a step in the right direction!  I wasn’t even going to start thinking about it until she was two and a half and she’s only 20 months, so the more comfortable she gets with it now, hopefully the easier it will be when the time comes.


And the cloth diapering is going well, actually!  I got a little overwhelmed the day after we started because I learned I have to “strip” the diapers occasionally or they will smell. I’ve got to admit I’m just lazy with certain things, and if I have to spend a ton of time working on making the diapers not smell, it’s not going to happen.  But so far doing the laundry every other day is easy and it takes just a second to stuff them and stick them in the diaper changer..I just hope that stripping them is just as easy.  I don’t exactly understand how to accomplish that, but I will figure it out when it becomes necessary. =)  BRU only sells the disposable diapers we like in 20 packs, so we’ve already saved almost two packs of diapers!  And she’s pooped in them twice now and it is totally not a big deal.  Bryan was even pleasantly surprised at how easy it was, lol.  


Now, I know I just wrote a big entry about this not long ago, but I can’t help myself.  I was talking to my judge yesterday and we were discussing private schools again.  Her daughter is a genius.  Like, seriously a genius.  She goes to boarding school in Massachusetts, all the way across the country, and travels to speak all around the world and study.  I remember when she first got into the school a few years ago that she won a scholarship that was as much as my house cost.  And she said that won’t even cover all four years of high school!!  Jeez.  She won some contest at the school and will be traveling to South Africa in a few months to work at a camp there and then write a paper on it and present it at some fancy thing or another.  Yeah, she’s no joke.  That girl has traveled more places in her 16 years than I will in my life I think.  Anyways, that’s not exactly the path I foresee for my kids, but it sure as heck makes me think my judge knows what the best private schools are around here.


Anyways, we were talking about the school I was looking into and she recommended another school in the area.  So I looked into it and I really like what I’ve seen so far.  Granted, there’s no way of knowing it will be what’s best until we go and actually see it, but another reporter sent her daughter there and I’m going to ask her what she thinks ab

out it to get a better idea.  It’s a pre-k through 8.  They also have a three-year-old class on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00am – 10:30am, a four-year-old class on Mon, Wed & Fri from 8:00am – 11:00am, and a pre-kindergarten program four days a week from 11:30am – 2:30pm.  I like that we have the choice to gradually introduce her like that.  


So of course I looked at the tuition and it’s around what I expected it to be..but if you are a parishioner of the church it is much cheaper!  If we became members of the church, we would save $19,368 over the course of her K-8th grades.  So..umm…that’s a big deal.  A slight moral dilemma in that I don’t actually have much interest in being a church member, but I would absolutely be interested in going to school board meetings and the like. I don’t know if that’s connected, of course. =/  Anyways, moral things aside, I checked out how to become a parish member.  There was a form online asking very detailed questions, like what was the date of your baptism, first holy communion and confirmation.  They expect you to remember the dates!?  Then there’s the fact that Bryan has never been baptized or anything.


So I called the church I grew up in and they can get me those dates, but when I called the church here she said she will just send me a form to fill out and they don’t need the dates and to turn that back in and we’ll be parishioners.’s really that simple?  What’s the catch, lol.  I certainly don’t remember anyone taking attendance or roll call at church, so as far as I’m aware I don’t understand how the school would know we were active or not.  I don’t mind if I have to go to church every now and then and give donations and such.  In fact, that will probably be good since Emily will be going there once she starts school anyways.  If anyone religious can give me insight as to whether I am morally corrupting myself by considering this, please tell me, lol.  But we obviously want to have more children, so in the long run we would be paying over $30,000 more if we don’t become members.  No offense to them, but with having to pay for uniforms for the school on top of that, other extra curricular activities outside of school, and all the other costs that go along with having kids…I would obviously like to put that $30,000 towards those other things.


I know there is an admissions process for the school and if I want Emily to do the three-year-old class (which we do!) then that means we have to apply next year.  It’s really not that long away.  And I know if they get accepted into the pre-k programs that they are much more likely to get into the K-8.  


I just don’t want to screw this up!!


I am so happy tomorrow is Friday.  And it’s a three-day weekend!!  I’m getting new tires on Saturday (goodbye tax return) and we’re hoping to visit Bryan’s grandpa, but no other plans.  I wish there was more indoor activity places I could take Emily.  I’m really hesitant to bring her back to the mall play place since she’s gotten pretty sick after every time we’ve gone, and I wiped her hands immediately after she was done too.  I know kids get sick, but it’s just like asking for it if we go there and we all are finally better and I don’t want to deal with it again if I can avoid it.  I hate to admit this but lately we’ve been treating Target as a play place, lol.  I’ll take her there and she’ll just run up and down aisles and look at books and play with toys and then we leave.  It’s a nice store and we have a good time, lol.


Okay, I’m headed home to my Valentines!!



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February 14, 2013

I promise, stripping diapers is easy peasy. I bought a cheap HUGE stock pot (like the biggest they had, it’s the same size as the one Mom has in her pantry on the floor), I’d boil water in that, stick all of the diapers in there and let them soak for an hour or two and then run them through a hot load in the washer with no soap. That’s it…the diapers are “stripped”. I did it once a month…MAYBE. I stripped the blue and yellow Bum Genius ones more often simply because she slept in those and they stayed against her skin the longest. That’s what those brown funny shaped inserts are by the way, hemp, they hold more liquid than the cotton…I used to put two microfiber inserts and one of the hemp ones in at night. She’s growing up so fast! Tell her to slow down!

February 15, 2013

That’s so wonderful that she went on the potty!! I hadn’t planned on starting to try with Cody for a while either, especially since boys apparently take longer to train but I think I’m going to get a potty soon and introduce him to it and see what he thinks 🙂 That’s great news about the private school! I’m sure just going to church occasionally should work.

February 15, 2013

LOL, I boiled the water (which takes forever in such a big pot!), turned the stove off, let it sit for fivish minutes, then put all of the clean diapers in after the water stopped “rolling” so I didn’t melt my FINGERS off!!!! Then I’d let them soak until the water wasn’t hot anymore (like, two hours or so is good) and throw them in a hot cycle wash with no soap. I did the liners once or twice because I wanted to, but I don’t think they ever got to the point where I HAD to strip them. You’ll know when you NEED to do it to the diapers, because they’ll either start to leak a little at the legs or they start to develop a smell that you can still detect after they’ve been washed and dried (I’d smell them right after they came out of the dryer, LOL). The point of stripping is to get ANY residue off from washing with detergent, or using diaper creams, etc – it’s pretty obvious after you get used to it when they need to be stripped because they just stop working well…after you strip them it’s like having new diapers, LOL!

February 15, 2013

LOL OMG…Remember this!? Good grief my BABY is almost as big as you are in this picture!!!!!!!! He was 8 months old, HAHA!