Outed myself…

Thanks, guys.  It’s not that I care if my stomach gets huge.  My belly got enormous with Emily at the end and I would be happy to end up with that same belly!  It just worries me that it’s so big so soon because I don’t think it CAN get bigger than it did with Emily without doing some serious permanent damage!  How I didn’t get a saggy belly from that thing, I’ll never know.  Just crossing my fingers that my 30-year-old skin is as elastic as my 28-year-old skin was. =) You know, I might be screwed either way though because Emily was never in the proper position when I was big.  She was always head up.  My only little stretch marks are higher on my stomach where her noggin was, lol.  So if this one is head down it might be a whole new ball game.  *shrug* Worth it either way. =)

So I think the people I see on a daily basis at work have started to guess I’m pregnant recently, namely the judge and clerk I work with, and today I went and outed myself to my judge.  Not on purpose originally, but I didn’t want to worry her so I ended up spilling the beans, lol.
I was standing in my judge’s office and she was talking to me just about random stuff, her daughter and so on, and I had been standing still for about 20 minutes and I started to get really dizzy.  I leaned up against the door but then my vision started going white and I rushed to sit down in a chair so I didn’t pass out.  So..clearly something was wrong with me and she was concerned, lol.  I just told her.  She is happy for me. =) She said the only reason she had been considering I might be pregnant is the DR appointments I’ve been going to…yeah right, like my gut didn’t make her consider it, lol.  It’s nice to finally tell someone that I like besides my stupid boss though. =) 
I would get dizzy like that if I stood too long when pregnant with Emily too.  I make sure to bend my knees and everything, but it doesn’t ever help.  My blood pressure was 101/57 last I checked so it might have something to do with that.  I had just had breakfast not even and hour earlier so I wouldn’t think it’s blood sugar related.  Oh well..just can’t stand still for long periods again.
We have to bring the snack to KinderMusic tonight.  Bryan and I tend to panic over the smallest things, lol.  I was asking him what we should bring and he’s like how about those pre packaged apple slices and some bananas?  And I’m like, we can’t bring TWO fruits, man!!  And he’s like:  crap..you’re right.  What do we do?!?  Lol!  So I’m stopping by the store on my way home and hopefully I find something.
 I don’t think I mentioned this, but the teacher of KinderMusic brought Peeps (those marshmallow Easter candies) for the kids right before Easter and I felt bad for some of the parents because you could tell they didn’t want their kid to have it (the class ends at 7pm, for the love) and I have the great excuse that Emily is allergic, but only one other parent just said no, she didn’t think her kid needed the sugar.  And of course everyone gave her "the look", but I was so proud of her!!  It is really hard to say no in those situations sometimes. And her one and a half year old certainly didn’t give a crap whether she had a Peep or not.  I hope I’m brave like that in similar circumstances in the future.
All right, back to work. =)
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April 16, 2013

It can be a challenge to stand up for your parenting choices, especially when they’re not ‘main stream’ but don’t worry about other people. Your child is yours to raise. Not giving in to peeps isn’t a crime. Some folks try to make other parents feel guilty about any choice they make, good or bad, etc… I just do whatever works for my family, and change things as I deem them for the betterment.

April 16, 2013

What about baby carrots or something? I don’t see anything wrong with apples and bananas though!

April 16, 2013

I honestly don’t think you have much to worry about… I think the skin thing is more about genes than age! I had bad genes fom the get and my weight gain with M made it that much worse… You have good genes and are a normal weight & weight gain… I bet you’ll snap back just as nicely if not better with the juicing and dietary changes you made last year! Peeps? Really? Gross! At least make it GOOD Easter candy for Mom and Dad to steal from their kid 😉

It can be hard to stand up to the parenting challenges that you are faced, for sure. I am finding it tough right now with my Mom visiting, but I am trying to stand my ground! At least someone else knows at work now! It’s so hard trying to hide it.

April 17, 2013

I’m glad that lady didn’t let her kid have a Peep too. I specifically told my MIL no candy/chocolate for Easter for Cody cuz honestly he’s 1 and doesn’t need it and what does she do? Give him a basket of plastic eggs filled with chocolate and peeps. I couldn’t believe it.

Luckily my daughter doesn’t like any chocolate/cake/sweets.. However she does like crisps (potato chips to u yanks lol) so it’s not too bad. Grapes are a good snack, sweet too so curb any cravings. Xx

ryn- yeah im just feelin extra down as Hubby is away working and im on my own alot.. leaves my mind to wonder. This is gonna be my last pregnancy so i wanna enjoy it, wish these hormones would be kinder lol. Hope ur ok xx