New Year’s Eve

I technically went to work today, but practically no one was there and all I had to do was a 1 o’clock hearing and came home!  Not to mention I went grocery shopping at lunch and brought them home.  Emily is cutting a tooth that is really bothering her and she was awake from her nap when I got home, so I went in and bounced her back to sleep while I was there.  It’s dark in her room and when she realized it was me who picked her up she threw her little arms around me. *melts*

Anyways, I thought I’d just bid 2012 adieu for a minute.  It felt like a really good year to me.  It was challenging, but very rewarding in the end.  Of course Emily grew like a weed and learned how to crawl and walk (now run!) and talk in 2012!  Her personality is growing more and more every day.  I’ve been reading old entries about when she was first born and the first few month of her life.  It’s sad to know that her allergies were the cause of her "colic" and I had no idea what was wrong with my poor little baby back then.  But that’s all figured out for the most part now and she is growing and thriving.

I learned a lot this year about myself.  I had to come to terms that life isn’t always going to be exactly what we want it to be, and that’s okay.  I came to terms with one thing specifically (I’ll write an FO entry some time) and I really feel at peace with it now.  In fact, I’m excited for the future more than ever! 

I’m proud that I’m the parent I wanted myself to be.  It might not be ideal that I have to go to work, but I am the very best working mom I can be.  I have no regrets.  I spend the most quality time with my daughter every second I have with her.  I would do anything for her and I love her more than I thought it was possible to love anything.  I still want to pinch myself sometimes because I didn’t know this kind of happiness existed. 

All right, I could blather on forever about how happy I am, but I’ll leave it at that. =) 

I can’t believe I could be pregnant again pretty soon.  I am seriously over the moon at just the thought.  Tonight is my last night of alcohol for a loooong time, so I’m going to enjoy that champagne at midnight tonight! =) I’m starting a juice fast on the 4th, probably doing it for a week, then just treating my body good!  I’ve started the prenatals and extra folic acid already and my doctor said to start the baby asprin as soon as I get a positive pregnancy test.  I feel like I’m ready.  Whatever will happen, will happen.  And some of my noters are absolutely right..any hard times I get from Emily after I have another baby are nothing compared to the gift a sibling will be to her.  Thank you for reminding me of that. =)…and feel free to remind me of that when Emily is acting like she hates me after I have a new baby, LOL.

Bryan took the cat to the vet (ear infection came back=() and Emily is still napping, but she should be up soon.  Bryan’s grandma gave Emily a cute lady bug tent for Christmas and we set it up in the living room an now it’s like a little fort! =) It’s so cute.  We even moved the recliner downstairs so we could keep it up, lol!  Yes, we have a ball pit and a tent in our living room.  That’s the way it should be. 😉

We were reading books and kicking back and fighting the cats off since they freaking love it in there. Ha!

I hope everyone has a very happy New Year’s!! Bring on 2013!!


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December 31, 2012

I can’t WAIT for you to be pregnant again!!! Happy new year 🙂

December 31, 2012

Ryn- I stayed at the castle hotel thingy in PA like fifty million years ago… It was awesome! So beautiful!

December 31, 2012

Happy New Year! Taking the plunge into trying for #2 is super exciting. Good luck with TTC 🙂

December 31, 2012

You know, I really thought Tryce would act out a lot more than he did, but he took on his big brother role like a champ! You never know (=

January 2, 2013

I wish we had room for a tent for noah! 🙂