Insurance, diapers and ‘poo!

I hate being busy at work!!  I really don’t enjoy my job like I used to.  It’s interesting and everything, but I just don’t feel it like I used to.  It’s a means to an end.  Speaking of which, I can’t be grateful enough for my health benefits!  When I called my OB’s office to say I got positive pregnancy tests and to set up my first appointment the lady had to like triple check that my insurance is still good or else I would have to pay a $950 deposit up front!!  Holy shit!  Then when I got the paperwork in the mail to fill out, it included the price of some things if you didn’t have insurance.  Just the Down Syndrome screening alone was almost $1,000!  

With all the high risk appointments I did with Emily, all the ultrasounds, hospital visits, c-section and everything involved afterwards, I paid *nothing* out of pocket.  Not a cent.  And I assume most people without insurance (in the US) would have a hard time affording most things, yet alone all of that!  Seems wrong…but I’m just settling on being grateful.
The cloth diapering is going well.  The FuzziBunz are starting to get too tight around her legs, so Im thinking about buying some more BumGenius diapers since they have turned out to be my favorite.  We’ve been putting her in a disposable at night since I wasn’t confident the cloth would keep her dry, but the night before last we tried cloth and it was fine.  Last night’s though, even though it was double stuffed, one of them hemp, she was soaked when she woke up.  Ugh.  I didn’t use the hemp the first time when she didn’t leak, but I thought they were supposed to absorb more!  Oh well.  Btw, I *hate* gDiapers.  I’m holding onto them just on case, but they are seriously horrible.  They are the right size, but now matter how loose I put them on they leave horrendous snap indentations in her skin.  It doesn’t seem to bother her, but I know I wouldn’t like them so I’m just not using them if I don’t have to.  I’m so fortunate my sister gave me her stash, because I would have thought cloth diapering was horrible if I just used the gDiapers I bought and then I would have just used disposables for my next baby too when it’s really simple and working out well.
I could seriously go on and on about diapers right now..I’ve become one of those people, lol!  Long story short:  Bac-Out spray is amazing and the diapers smell wonderful!  No stinky diapers for my babies! =D 
If we have another girl, I seriously can’t think of anything we’ll have to buy.  Heck..even if its a boy it’s going to get stuck with some pink and purple stuff, lol!  I’m not buying another bouncer just because it’s pink. At least a lot of its gender neutral =) And Emily wears blue diapers all the time anyways.  Who cares!!  A box of newborn diapers, but then we’ll do cloth and breastfeeding..seriously, can’t think of anything it will *need*..says the not even five-week pregnant lady who will panic shortly before giving birth because I have nothing.  Ha! =)
Btw, everything on the pregnancy front is good…I assume.  I was nauseous a bit last week, but the last two days nothing.  I don’t really have any symptoms at the moment..which I could dissect in my mind as something wrong, but I’m not.  Our first appointment is on the 21st and that’s not too long to wait. Ironically if I spoke to the dr or nurse they would get me in sooner, but the receptionist just gave me normal appointments as though I’m not high-risk and I didn’t correct her because I didn’t see the point at the moment.  It was pointless going in at five weeks and a few days last time just to hope to see a sac or something.  There’s like a 50/50 chance I would be comforted or worried by it, so I’m not going to bother.  Look at me, being all patient. =)
<div style="font-family: Noteworthy; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 24px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color:rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.296875); -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(130, 98, 83, 0.0976563); -webkit-composition-frame-color: rgba(191, 107, 82, 0.496094); “>I have switched back to completely no ‘poo for my hair though!  Around Christmas I got a little lax with it and started using regular shampoo, then after the new year I was washing once a week with shampoo and once a week using the baking soda and vinegar.  If I don’t rinse it for a really long time my scalp gets SO itchy, so I’m just making sure to rinse well and hopefully I’ll keep it up the whole pregnancy.  I’ve already been wearing my belly armor at home too and sometimes to work if you can’t tell with the outfit.  It’s bulkier than a regular band so sometimes I don’t want to risk someone noticing.  But it makes me feel better if I accidentally put my phone in my pocket or something.
I am so neurotic. =)
All right, back to picking a jury in our lovely sexual predator trial.  Yippee.


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March 2, 2013

Yes, insurance is such a blessing! I can’t believe you paid nothing out of pocket last time! I thought our benefits were good, it looks like we’ll end up paying just a few hundred dollars for everything. Glad the cloth diapering is working out! I’m sure that’ll save you sooo much $! I admire your calm nature with this pregnancy! Awesome 🙂 What’s a belly armor?

Ignore my question on the last entry, heh. I see you have one booked now! That is insane. I am so thankful in Canada that we hardly pay anything out of pocket and if we do, many employers have spending accounts that you just send the extra cost to. The only thing I had to pay for was my elective “fun” 3D ultrasound, of course!

March 8, 2013

That’s great that you paid nothing out of pocket last time. I didn’t either but I also live in Canada where health care is free. I’ve heard so many women from the states talking about just how having the baby in the hospital cost them a ton. I can’t even imagine that.