I suck..& spotting

I suck, I know.  But in all fairness, I tried for over an hour to upload the damn photos over the weekend and our stupid laptop kept freezing and I just gave up.  I’ll get them up this week hopefully.
The weekend had its ups and down.  Emily seemed to not be feeling so great again and then I started getting stuffed up and my throat started hurting.  She didn’t get a fever, but I had a low grade one all weekend.  I was afraid her throat hurt like mine, but it seems like hers was much milder and she’s practically better now at least.
She’s back to expecting us to bounce her at some point during the night again, *sigh* We always make so much progress and she sleeps so well, then something like teething or getting sick comes along and everything goes to crap.  It wouldn’t matter except for the fact we have to bounce her.  She woke up at 3am this morning and Bryan and I just stared at the monitor willing her to not get hysterical because no one wants to physically exert themselves like that for god knows how long in the wee hours of the morning.  Thankfully she fell back asleep, but she woke up probably every hour last night and the night before.  None of us are feeling too rested.  But this too shall pass.  I just wish there was some other way, ANY other way of comforting her.  I don’t care if you want to rock in a chair for two hours every night, just please, for the love of god, don’t make me bounce you, lol.
I’ve been a little obsessive about testing the last few days..pregnancy testing, that is.  Which is stupid because it’s too early to test or right on the cusp of when a faint line could possibly start showing.  Didn’t stop me from feeling disappointed with the negatives, of course!  Makes me think this wasn’t the cycle.  I’ll know in the next week, I suppose.  My cycles are strange though so I don’t exactly know when to expect a period.  I had very slight spotting yesterday, but I don’t feel like I’m about to start.  Zero symptoms though.  At least my mind isn’t giving me fake ones, lol.
I tested yesterday in the afternoon and the day before in the afternoon, so I promised myself I wouldn’t test at all today and that I will test tomorrow morning.  I’ll be 11 DPO tomorrow, but I think I tested positive with both of my other pregnancies at like 9 DPO, so I’m not holding out too much hope.  I’ve decided that if my period starts I get to have a glass of wine and go in the hot tub though..that way I’ll be happy either way, lol!  Though we know which one I really want, the latter sounds like it will ease the pain, heh.
We have an eluding trial at work this week, so at least I’ll be busy.  And Emily’s first KinderMusic class is tonight!  I’m excited for that.  My car has something wrong with it though, so Im really hoping it starts when I get off work.  I think it’s the battery, but Im not sure.  At least Bryan gets off work at 4:45 so he could still pick me up and we could make it to the class in time.
Bah, I just went to the bathroom and was spotting a lot more.  I’m thinking my period will start soon.  There’s always next month.
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January 22, 2013

my cycles are strange also… sometimes up to 20 days and sometimes as small at 22 days between them.

January 22, 2013

Hooray for wine and hot tubbing! If you a positive ths time it would mess with your mat, right? Or was there something else that made next month more convenient? I know it’s like, impossible not to be disappointed, but you said yourself that you didn’t want to this cycle… So maybe your body just listened to you 🙂

January 22, 2013

Hopefully TTC doesn’t take you too long. I took 3 months this time and even that felt like forever. I’d suggest when #2 gets here to not bounce him/her at all because you’re right that’s a sucky thing for them to get used to and expect. Sounds exhausting!

January 22, 2013

Fingers crossed that you’re pregnant soon! I started testing super early and didn’t get a positive until 14dpo 😡