Gotta be…

All right, if I’m not pregnant I am going to be really disappointed now! I have been having a hard time going to sleep at night, but once I do I have extremely vivid dreams..which usually only happens when I’m pregnant.  The first night I thought it was a fluke, but now it’s been three nights in a row!  I looked back at both pregnancies and they both started out with vivid dreams before I could even test!!  I’m taking it as a good sign.  I really think I’m going to test positive, so it’s going to be a BIG letdown if I’m not.  I’ve been feeling a bit nauseous too, but that could be anything.  I can’t make myself have vivid dreams though!
So, fingers crossed!!!  I shouldn’t even start testing until the end of the week though, which feels like FOREVER away, of course. =)
We got to see Bryan’s grandpa yesterday which was nice.  It’s a little awkward when he switches to thinking something is going on that’s not (he thought a big strike of some sort was happening and asked Bryan if he could find any work)..but it’s easy enough to work with it and still have a good visit.  
Emily is having a language explosion and starting to say things we can’t figure out.  Some of it is two-word stuff and I have *no * idea!  At least she doesn’t get frustrated.  I’ll try and figure it out and repeat it back to her and that usually satisfies her. =) We were reading her Dora the Explorer book earlier and after we say "Swiper no swiping," she was doing some weird thing with her hand and then I finally realized she’s trying to snap her finger like him, lol.  Getting so big.
She just said "ba cue cue".  Noooo idea, lol.
I got the registration card in the mail for that church I was talking about.  It says in about 4-6 weeks we’ll get donation envelopes in the mail that we can either mail in or put in the basket at I assume that’s how they keep track of participation.  Shouldn’t be a problem!  
Hope everyone is having a good weekend!  Yay for no work tomorrow!! =)

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February 17, 2013

Ahh hope it’s the month for you!! So cute that Emily is really starting to form her own ideas and sentences!

February 17, 2013

I think you are :):) I knew with K way before I could test!

February 17, 2013

That’d be so awesome if you’re pregnant this quickly!! I’ve had a ton of vivid dreams this pregnancy and last. And this pregnancy also started with nausea. Sucks when you know you should really wait like 5 days before you test. If it makes you feel any better though this pregnancy I started feeling nausea at 5DPO. Good luck!! So exciting!! That’s hilarious that you don’t know what she’s saying.

Fingers crossed that you are pregnant this month!!!