Going crazy..

Okay, I am NOT testing tomorrow because it is starting to drive me crazy!!  I just want to know already, one way or the other!  Of course I was exhausted last night and was able to fall asleep right away and I don’t remember dreaming = so I’m starting to psych myself out.  I had more brown spotting yesterday too.  Maybe it just didn’t stick.
My mind is starting to play tricks on me now, so I am taking a break tomorrow from testing.  This is the test I took this morning:

I’m crazy because even though nothing is there, I feel like I see something anyways, lol.  Like the tiniest, faintest line I’ve ever seen.  No, not even a line.  More like a bit of blue tinge on one side and a bit on the other.  Every time I looked at it (which was a million times) I swear I could see the tinge of blue and it was driving me crazy!!  If it’s not positive on Friday I’m pretty sure it didn’t stick.
Anyways…Emily did slightly better at bedtime last night with her nap restricted.  It still took about 45 minutes, but oh we’ll.  And she was kind of cranky (for her, at least) in the afternoon and you could tell she was tired from her nap being restricted.  I don’t know if it will be worth it if she’s not as happy as she usually is just so I don’t have to struggle for an hour+ with her at night. =/ We’ll see how it works out.  And the earlier Input her to sleep, the earlier she wakes up, so I’m not exactly pushing for an early bedtime since she would sleep the same amount and have me up at the buttcrack of dawn.  Plus, this way if I get home late from work I still get a lot of time with her and when we go up to my Mom’s we usually don’t get there until late and it doesn’t matter because her bedtime is later anyways.  I’m starting to think teething might be part of the problem though.  Her teeth are a little crowded because of her frenulum that’s causing the gap in her front teeth, so since one tooth is still working its way up I think it’s bugging her.  She’s been chewing on things a lot and not eating well at all the last few days.  Maybe it’s all connected.
Now I need to put my phone down and distract myself until Friday morning! =)

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Do you have any pink dye tests? Apparently pink dye is much more reliable than blue dye. I’ve heard that blue dye can cause a lot of false positives, although I don’t think I’ve ever used a blue dye test so I don’t know from experience. I think I am seeing things, too, because I can see an outline of a positive! I hope for your sake it is. In a few more days, hopefully it will be even darker!

February 20, 2013

Blue dye tests are the worst cuz I swear I can see bits of something too but that just may be the way the test is. I love First Response tests even though I know they are expensive.

February 20, 2013

I see it too! Girl, go get DIGITAL first response… Right now! If its brown then it’s just old implantation bleeding. I’m like, certain you have a little zygote multiplying inside you as I type… How many DPO are you? I know you’re going crazy and I’m sorry I’m contributing to it, but really, I’m sitting here wanting it to be a few days from now with your POSITIVE test so I can say I TOLD YOU SO. I will feel like a real ass if I’m wrong, but this is how sure i am to say this to you!

February 20, 2013

Ryn- I didn’t get mine till 10 DPO and that was with morning pee… You are way early and night pee is so diluted!

February 20, 2013

Crossing my fingers for you!

February 20, 2013

I see a line! But Ive gotten tricked with the blue dye tests before.

February 20, 2013

ryn- lmfao Oh I know!!! I relate more than you know!!! That’s partially why I feel so sure, but really – the spotting that you NEVER have is what put me over the edge… dreams you could have manifested, but that was actual physical signs… and I honestly do see the ever so faint line.

February 20, 2013


February 20, 2013

I definitely see a line! But the blue dye tests are notorious for dye runs… get a pink dye test and test tomorrow after a 4hr pee hold (if it’s not FMU)! Sorry to be encouraging more POAS after you said you weren’t gonna till Friday 😉

February 21, 2013

I see it too :/

February 21, 2013

Ok I’m not even out of bed yet but here on my phone obsessively checking… 😉