First ultrasound!


Really crappy picture, but here’s the bean!

=) Measuring 10 weeks, but he said that doesn’t change the due date since its so close to what I had.  The heart was beating perfectly (he didn’t say how fast) and everything looked good!  We talked about VBACs and repeat c-section and I told him I want the c-section and he said that seems like the right decision for me with my history.  He also said during VBACs the risk of harm is mostly to the baby if something went wrong, whereas the risk of c-section is to me.  I’d rather take the risk than the baby.
Anyways, the NT screening should be in the next three weeks some time and cervical length measurements will start at 16 weeks.  He did a pap and there was some brown blood but he didn’t see any bleeding and said he didn’t see any problems.  I think it’s just normal for me to spot in pregnancy, it’s just scary. 
I’m going to tell my boss today because I have a bunch of appointments I’ll need to be going to over the next few months and if something bad happens I’ll need time off to heal anyways, so I’m going to do that later.  I haven’t decided when we’re telling everyone.  Maybe after the NT screening since that has to be before 14 weeks.  I hate the thought of doing it after that because that’s when I told with my first pregnancy and that turned out so great =/ But I am showing earlier this time and I can tell my friend at work has already guessed, she’s just being polite and not saying it because she knows why I’m not telling yet.  I think after we see the next ultrasound and if everything looks good we’ll tell.
Emily did all right at the appointment, but she didn’t want to hold still much.  Bryan seemed completely disinterested in the ultrasound.  I told him to look and he did for a second, didn’t make any facial expression and looked away.  Allllright.  He’s really been just a moody ass lately, but I can’t dare complain about it because its surely just my hormones. *rolls eyes* We never did get our groove back after Emily was born and I’m sadly just used to it now.  It’s like having a moody roommate. That will come to a head some day, but for now I get to ignore it and be happy with my babies.  at least he helps with Emily and free childcare and housework is pretty much his role at this point.  Self-chosen, I might add.  
Emily refused to nap yesterday, but with such crappy sleep the last few days she fell asleep at 7:45 eating dinner.  It was so weird having time to myself in the afternoon!!  I watched the Mad Men premier which I thought as going to have to wait for nap time on the weekend!  She woke up about a half hour after we put her in her crib, but Bryan bounced her back to sleep and she stayed asleep all night until I had to wake her up at 7:15 this morning to leave for the appointment.  She really needed that sleep so I’m glad she got it.  She was a bit of a pill at KinderMusic because she was so tired!
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All right, back to work.


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April 10, 2013

Aw! Congratulations!

April 10, 2013

Glad everything went well at the appointment! I really hope you and Bryan can find your groove again.

April 10, 2013

So glad the baby is doing good! Showing already are you? Yeah I can’t believe how much bigger I am this time around just cuz your belly tends to grow quicker. At almost 22 weeks I think I look more like what I did at 25 weeks or more last time. Yikes!!

April 10, 2013

So exciting! I’m glad your appointment went well.

April 10, 2013

I’m sooo glad you got to see your babe!! Looks like everything’s going well 🙂 Sorry to hear about Bryan’s attitude lately =/ Well if you’re showing you know we need some belly pics 😉

Glad everything looked great!

April 11, 2013

RYN: My insurance covers 80% of radiology so we’ll see what happens.

April 12, 2013

Glad you got to see your bebe 🙂 I second the belly request!