FB announcement pic

Well, the news is out!  I posted this on Facebook last night:

And then of course when I was going to bed I was getting cramps and uncomfortable and thinking that it’s going to happen exactly like the first time I announced I was pregnant..but I’m just being my paranoid self.  It all started with my water breaking that time and I didn’t start getting the cramps/contractions until days later.  I’m such a worry wart when I’m pregnant!
I almost wish the ultrasound tech wouldn’t have given us that hint about the gender, too.  It makes it SO much more real and our hopes are extremely high and we’re excited.  Bryan even decided he liked the boy name I had picked a while back!  Will we both be disappointed if it’s not a boy now?  Which is just craziness because just days ago I was super excited about having another girl!  But now my mind thinks it’s a boy and it will be weird if that changes.  I’m sure it would only take a minute for me to get back on her girl train and be just excited for that again too though..so maybe I should stop my whining. =P
Emily’s good sleep has continued.  I’ve noticed that she’s looking a little chubbier the last few weeks which she always does for a growth spurt and then all of a sudden will look super talk and skinny again, so that’s exciting.  She has had such a huge language jump just this past week that I can’t imagine her making even bigger leaps soon!  I was home all weekend with her obviously, had Monday and Tuesday off work, then I only had to work an hour or so Wednesday.  So a lot of time with my baby.  I find it interesting that all her good sleep and language burst happens when I’m at home more, the only person who really gets her outside and active and talking and moving. *sigh* I’m over the whole mommy guilt of having to work, I just wish Bryan was more preoccupied with her growing and playing than he was cleaning.  I know like every other woman in the world wished their husband cleaned more..but he takes it to an extreme.  It’s like his excuse not to spend time with her.  He always has to be doing some chore and I’m just sick of it.  You’d have to be in the situation to understand what I’m talking about..but oh well.  He’s always going to choose doing some chore over spending time with us, even if the chore is completely unnecessary.  
I could rant on, but I think someone will track me down and attack me about ranting over my husband cleaning too much if I go on. =)
Tomorrow is Friday already!  Yay!  Time seems to be going fast lately.  The end of the month and early June is going to be so exciting and it’s right around the corner. =)
Okay, time to go home to my baby.

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May 2, 2013

That’s such a cute way to make that announcement!

May 2, 2013

Saw this on the front page… super cute! I’m pregnant too (a little over 22 weeks with my 3rd and final boy). I found out gender with my last 2 at the NT scan and they were right. Congrats!!

May 2, 2013

Love the shirt!

Love the announcement picture!

May 2, 2013

Such a cute way of announcing 🙂

She is soooooo cute!

Its normal to worry when pregnant, i dont know anyone who hasn’t worried whilst preggo. Such a cute pics 🙂 Congratulations!

May 3, 2013

Love that picture!!!!!

May 4, 2013

So cute!

May 4, 2013

so cute!!! Love it!

May 5, 2013

came across you in the circle- congrats!

May 6, 2013

That is the cutest announcement pic!! Glad things are going well