Emily’s 2nd Birthday *pics*

Emily’s birthday was last Sunday, the 9th, but I’m only getting around to going through the pictures now.  She had a great birthday!  We were at my mom’s house and my sister and the kids and of course my mom and Bryan and I were all there.  The "balloon fairy" came at night so she woke up to a bunch of balloons which she was quite happy about.  I made her special allergy-free pancakes for breakfast and bacon (which she is in love with..oiy..lol) and she scarfed that down.

While she was having her nap, Bryan decorated the dining room and I started making her cake!  I had to make the icing too since all the canned stuff seemed to have soy in it, but it actually wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be.  And she really liked the icing!  For some reason she would never bite into the actual cake so she didn’t even taste it, silly girl..just ate the icing.  But the rest of us ate it and it was good. =)  I’m glad it turned out.  And it was cute, to boot:

Her Dora decorations:

It was a little chilly outside, but nice blue sky.  We played on the back deck a lot, looking at catepillars and such. =) 

It was so adorable when we lit her candles and sang Happy Birthday and brought the cake. She really liked everyone singing to her and she even tried to blow out the candles herself!  She was going through another "I don’t want to eat anything" phase and so she didn’t eat much of anything, but she had a good time.

I’ll post the rest of the birthday pictures before writing about her two-year well check appointment that was on Friday.

Bryan got her the same drum from KinderMusic class because she liked it so much, lol!  Ironically she hasn’t been annoying with it at all.  Bryan, on the other hand, annoys the shit out of me with it, lol.

So her well check was the day before yesterday and I was so nervous for it because she has always hated going to the doctor.  They were never able to properly listen to her heart at a well check before because she was always hysterically screaming.  She would just be a reck by the time the appointment was done.  But this time she did GREAT!  She let them weigh and measure her, listen to her heart, all without a peep. She was a little weary of the doctor touching her at first so she snuggled into me while she did it, but she just seemed unsure rather than scared.  I was so proud of her.  She did the entire exam, looked in her ears and eyes and pressed on her belly, etc, and she just let her do it.  I hope this is a new trend. =)

She weighed 26lbs and was 34" tall, both right around the 50th percentile, and her noggin was in the 80th percentile, lol.  My smart cookie. =)  Her growth and development are perfect.  The doctor said kids just go through the phases of not wanting to eat and to not push them and they will eat when they’re hungry.  She obviously doesn’t have a weight problem, so I’m not going to worry about it.  She is starting to string together words now and talks up a storm.  She can say two words at a time pretty frequently, like "big rock" or "big whale" and if you ask her to say something longer she tries so hard.  It’s adorable.  I always tell her to say "See you tomorrow!" when the nanny leaves and it sounds like "See do tow momo!" lol!  Cutest.thing.ever. She tried really hard to say "Happy Dada’s Day" this morning too. <3

I am trying to let her explore a little more on her own and it is very hard for me, lol.  Our back yard is pretty kid friendly, so as long as I’m sitting on the patio I can see her everywhere she goes.  I would always just follow her out there though and hold her hand up the little hill to walk around the back of the landscaping or whatever.  I need to start letting her be more independent though if I don’t want it to be a giant shock when Caden comes along and I can’t be there every step of the way.  Not to mention it’s probably healthy she explores by herself anyways and I cut the leash a little.  It’s just bittersweet for me.  She’s my baby. =)

She has her indepe

ndent moments where she doesn’t want help with anything and then the next minute will need to sit on my lap and play, hehe.  I am just so happy that she is as healthy and smart and happy as she is.  I was always so worried that I wasn’t interacting with her the right way and she wouldn’t learn the things she was supposed to be learning, but that hasn’t been an issue at all.  She knows her colors and some shapes, she can count and knows a lot of the ABCs, even though she won’t sing the song.  I can’t think of anything that I’m worried about her developmentally.  That is a big relief.

So, my baby girl is TWO now.  The first week of being two ironically she was a little pill, lol.  I remarked a few times that I didn’t know the terrible twos hit the instant the birthday happens, hehe.  But I think she missed the nanny a little (Bryan has three weeks off work) and she was going through her not sleeping so well phase, so she’s back to herself now.  I was worried there for a minute though, lol.  

Today is Father’s Day, so I let Bryan escape to go shoot his beloved rifle. =)  I was bad this year and didn’t think of anything creative, so I just got him what he wanted.  Bullets.  *rolls eyes* Emily and I will be going shopping when she gets up from her nap and I’ll get him some chocolates he likes and pick up PF Chang’s for dinner.  I think he’s happy to just have a few hours to himself though. =)

I have a ton of other stuff to write about, like how Caden’s room is coming along and how I’ve been feeling, but I’ll leave that for another entry.

Happy Sunday and Happy Father’s Day!


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June 17, 2013

Love how her cake turned out!! Seems like she had an awesome birthday! I admire how creative you are to ensure she still gets “normal” foods while having food allergies. Now that you write about Emily’s 2 year check up I feel horrible because I still haven’t taken Micah for her’s and she turned 2 in February! Oops!

June 17, 2013

Lovely pictures! Precious!

Aww such cute pics, looks like she had a lovely day 🙂 cake looks good.. Icing Is the best part hehe.

June 17, 2013

Awwww I’m glad she had a great birthday. Love the dress you had her in and I’m happy for you that she’s doing well developmentally. Cody also seems to be in one of those “not eating much” stages. It’s such a shock after him wanting to eat a ton for the longest time.

June 17, 2013

Hope Bryan had a good fathers day. Emily sure growing like a sprout. Glad you are enjoying!!

June 18, 2013

Aww Happy Birthday Emily! She’s sooo darling! Glad she enjoyed her day 🙂