
So yesterday my ovulation monitor had two lines…on Day 11!!  WTH?!  Now, I’ve had two lines for three days before it says I’m ovulating, but if that happens that means I will ovulate on Day 14.  Isn’t that…normal?!  Lol!  I thought maybe it was just mistaken or something yesterday, but two lines again this morning.  I guess being violently ill knocked an egg loose early? Lol!  We’ll see.  If it does happen in a few days, that’s a good week earlier than normal.  Weird.
Emily had KinderMusic yesterday and that was fun.  I got a cute picture of her listening intently to the story and sing-along. =)

She is still a big introvert, but I think that’s pretty normal at this age.  Hopefully she’s not as bad as me when she’s older!  Either way, she is happy and healthy and that’s all that matters.  She did follow along a lot better this time though.  They walk around in a circle to a song and then stop, sit down, lay down, and then roll over on the ground.  Last time she just stood there watching everyone ( she is a big observer) and this time she actually did it!  It helped that I was making a fool of myself and rolling on the ground first, lol.
*possible TMI ahead*
Guess what I had yesterday at lunch?  Couch sex!!! Lol!  Bryan and I have been in such a rut for a while and yesterday was very reminiscent of the past.  I was able to come home for lunch and play with Emily for a while and read her books before nap time.  After Bryan put her down for her nap one thing led to another and BAM, hot couch sex!  I mention the couch because we always have sex in the bed and it was nice to be spontaneous for once.  
*end TMI*
My friend Linda was working up here yesterday and we went to lunch. It was great to see her and she looks so much better than she has over the last few years.  She had the suicide attempt a few years ago and every time I saw her after that she just looked like hell, so I was very glad to see her looking and feeling so well!  It was funny because we haven’t talked in a while and I was telling her that she looked great and she told me she started juicing a few months ago and has felt amazing ever since!  Ha!  Motivated me to start juicing again just adding to meals, not a fast.  Our budget is a little tight the next few months with Bryan not having as many classes as usual, so buying a lot of produce isn’t going to happen right now.  I always lose a few pounds when we don’t have as much money because I don’t eat out at all and I don’t shop for myself much.  I’ve been having cutie oranges for breakfast, making myself a sandwich for lunch and winging dinners.  It will get better soon enough.
Our colds are almost gone.  I have this stupid tickle in my throat that gives me an annoying cough though and it is driving me insane!!  I obviously have to hear everything everyone says in court and when I’m coughing I can’t ear, so I’ve been practically ODing on cough drops to get through.  I hope that goes away soon.  Emily’s nose is still a little bit runny, but otherwise she’s perfect.  And she took almost a FOUR-hour nap yesterday!  And she’s been sleeping through the night!  I guess she’s making up for lost sleep.
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ebkit-composition-frame-color: rgba(191, 107, 82, 0.496094); “>All right, I made it home for lunch again today but I need to get headed back to work now.  
Ps- More couch booty!!  Woot!  =P

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February 6, 2013

Hopefully your cycles will be closer to normal now! And yay for some sexy couch time lol 😉 Emily is aaadorable in that pic!

February 6, 2013

lol @ couch sex. I’m pretty sure couch sex actually conceived the baby inside of me right now since I was trying to get one more BD session in before I ovulated and I knew my hubby may not be up for it since we just did it the day before. So I started some spontaneous couch sex and it worked haha. Could it be possible you have a new normal regarding ovulation after Emily? How can you tell…

February 6, 2013

…what normal is at this point? Isn’t this only like your 2nd cycle since getting your periods back? Day 14 is perfect for ovulation so hopefully it’s a good sign! I really hope Cody isn’t as introverted as I was as a kid either. I used to hide under my moms skirt lol. Cute pic! She looks so into the story 🙂 Cody still hasn’t got the attention span for stories unfortunately.

February 7, 2013

LOL!! Couch sex!! hahaha I havent had any of that i a while… might have to now! 😉