Doing good!

I’m writing this on my phone, so it probably won’t be the longest entry, but at least I’ll get something down!


Everything is going great.  I still can’t believe how easy Caden is.  He had a "fussy" day a few days ago..which was like an extremely good day for Emily at his age, lol.  I was worried it was the beginning of the fuss stage, but he was back to his normal self the next day.  He’s been having a lot more awake time, which is nice.  A few days after we came home from the hospital I stopped swaddling him because he slept fine without it.  Three nights ago he was fighting bedtime a bit by keeping himself awake with his hands, so we swaddled him last night and the night before and that seemed to work!  Other mommies are going to hate me for writing this (I would have hated me  when we were going through such a hard time with Emily, lol) but he didn’t even wake up once last night.  Granted, we went to bed a little late.  He slept from 11:30pm until Emily woke up at 8:30am!!  I didn’t know this kind of child existed…


Emily is napping and Caden is sleeping on my chest right now. =) He really doesn’t care where he sleeps, but I like the cuddles.  In fact, although we co-sleep, our bodies don’t touch at all in bed.  It’s like he’s sleeping by himself.  I don’t know why I don’t just put him in the bassinet.  Actually, that’s not true.  His reflux makes him do this weird choking thing and I *hate* it and it scares the crap out of me.  He does it in his sleep sometimes and when he seems to be struggling with it I will roll him on his side and rub his back.  Poor baby.  At least the medicine makes it so it’s not painful, but it’s still no fun.


I can see Emily’s bottom left molar is about to pop through, so it should be an interesting few weeks with her.  When the right side came in, both top and bottom came in at the same time, so I’m sort of hoping the same thing happens on the left just to get it over with. She has still been great with Caden, but she’s been a little cranky today and I’m assuming it’s because of the molars.  


We wanted to get out of the house yesterday and get Emily some play time.  We were losing time in the day and Caden was due to eat in a half an hour, so I had the bright idea to just pump in the car and bottle feed him.  It worked like a charm until a few hours later he screamed bloody murder for 10 minutes.  It scared the crap out of me, actually.  He’d never cried like that before.  He was practically purple and his while body was rigid.  I had changed him just a second before he started and I practically ripped his pajamas off looking for a tack or something poking his body.  It just came out of the blue!  10 minutes and a gigantic fart and poo later, he was perfectly fine.  I realized later that he probably got a lot more air with he bottle and I fed it to him in the car, so he didn’t get burped either.  Poor guy.  =( So, no more doing that clearly.


I have started pumping to begin my stash for going back to work, but only once a day at this point.  My supply seems pretty good and I don’t go back until February, so I’m not going to bother doing any more than that.  I already have 40oz and three more months of maternity leave to go, so that should be fine.


I ordered a train set and table for Emily (she’s obsessed with trains) and it came today, so we’ll probably spend our afternoon setting that up and playing with it.  Should be fun.  My mom’s birthday is on Friday and my aunt who lives in California is going to be there and wants to meet Caden too, so I’m doing the first road trip up to my mom’s either Thursday or Friday.  Bryan has to work until 9pm Friday, so it’s just me and the kids.  That should be interesting, lol!  Caden falls asleep the second the car starts moving, so I’m not really worried too much about the driving part, but there’s a ferry ride in between and Emily and I always get out and go walk around the ferry instead of sitting in the car for 45 minutes.  The thought of doing that with both kids is frightening.  I tried to put Caden in the Moby wrap yesterday.  Hated it.  Then I tried the Ergo with the infant insert.  Hated it.  I ordered the Nuboo and it should be here tomorrow, so that’s my last hope, lol.  If he doesn’t like it, we might just sit in the damn car for 45 minutes until I’m feeling more confident.  It’s just that Emily likes to go up and down the stairs and I’m always doing super interactive stuff with her on the ferry, so I don’t want to be overwhelmed with trying to sooth Caden and not watching her properly and have her get hurt.  I’m just not used to having two yet..


But it will be great once we get to my mom’s! =)


I also have a ton of transcript I need to do and I haven’t even turned my work computer on since having Caden. =/ I was prepaid for a lot of it too, so I need to get it done.  Bryan’s school break starts the beginning of December and he doesn’t go back until January, so I think he’ll just have to hold Caden while Emily naps so I can get it all done.


Emily is up from her nap now and eating lunch with me, Caden is now sleeping in the bouncer, and Bryan is off to work.  Life is good. =)


Pictures next time, promise, but here’s one from a half hour ago:


And yesterday at the toy store:


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November 19, 2013


November 19, 2013

I don’t hate you for having an easy baby! You deserve it 🙂 he seems like such a sweetie! Hope Emily isn’t in too much discomfort!