Bad night.

Bad night tonight.  I don’t know why I was surprised when I saw it.  I’ve been surprised for weeks now that I HAVEN’T seen it.  But I went to the bathroom and noticed my underwear was completely soaked with brown blood.  I’m not panicking.  I know the drill.  It could be something, it could be nothing.  I have a dr’s appointment Wednesday and I’ll just wait then to find out.  I’m just a little pissed off and emotional right now, not that that helps anything.

Ironically after I wrote my last entry I went home and was able to find he heartbeat and Bryan got to hear it as well.  I find it interesting that until then I was pretty guarded and emotionally a bit disconnected from the pregnancy, so when I finally hear the heartbeat and it starts to feel real and I get excited, OF COURSE this would happen.  I should have just assumed with my luck.  
No cramping or anything (yet) but every time I’ve gone to the bathroom since there’s been a little more.  Hopefully I don’t wake up to a nasty surprise.
On top of it all Emily is still in her no-sleep phase.  She only napped 45 minutes today and fought hard at bedtime.  The second I turned off the lamp I got a swift kick in the eye and saw white for a few seconds.  45 minutes later I was still struggling to keep her laying down.  I turned over to get a drink of water and she stood up and ran towards the end of the bed and fell off. *sigh*  Another 45 minutes of calming her down and trying to get her to sleep, and I eventually gave up and asked Bryan to bounce her.  It’s almost 11pm and she’s still awake.
Feeling just very overly emotional and like I want to cry, which is understandable.  I hate not knowing what’s going to happen.  I hate not knowing how to help Emily sleep.  I just hate the unknown, period.
I’m not going to sleep at all tonight I’m sure and I will be even more exhausted and emotional.  It’s going to be a long week.


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April 8, 2013
April 8, 2013

I’m sooo sorry. I’ve been spotting this weekend too. I’m scared too and not sure I can wait until Wednesday also.

April 8, 2013

My thoughts are with you. Hugs.

April 8, 2013



April 8, 2013

Hugs mama

Brown is old blood, bright red and you should be concerned. I had bleeding at the start of this pregnancy and all was ok, try think positive and i’m sure everything will be ok. Get an early scan for some reasurrance. I can relate to the hormones too, its tough being a women let alone pregnant lol. hugs xx

April 8, 2013

Ugh I’m sorry you’re going through this 🙁 Hoping and praying everything’s going to be okay!