Bad and good.

So I had a pretty bad week.  The trial we have doesn’t help, but its been more than that.  I’ve just been down and I couldn’t quite figure out why.

My life isn’t perfect.  I obviously indicated before some of the troubles I have and some are still ongoing.  It all came to kind of a head yesterday.  Emily didn’t wake up in time for me to see her before I left for work, the little girl testified in the trial that day, I ended up not getting home until late.  When I do get home, Emily is just pissed at me in general for not being able to spend as much time with her lately, then Bryan started a conversation when he Knew we would argue over it.  I’ll write about that some other time because he said something so ridiculously epic that its one that sticks in your brain forever and I’m sure I’ll bring it up in counseling someday, lol.
Anyways, it’s like something just snapped in my brain.  My daughter was pissed at me and my husband was being an angry ridiculous idiot and I couldn’t make either of them happy.  So I looked at Emily and I just smiled.  I remembered how I wanted her so badly and how I got the thing I most wanted in life.  It’s not perfect, but I get to kiss her sweet baby cheeks everyday and be her mommy and love her every day for the rest of my life.  Everything else is background noise.  I have chosen to have a few things more difficult in my life now in exchange for what I believe is best for my (and my children’s) future.  When I look at it that way, when I remind myself of that, it makes everything clear again.
That funk I’ve been in is completely gone.  It honestly was like a switch flipped and I’m a new happy person again.  
In other good news, I’m getting out of work early today, and we leave for my mom’s tomorrow after work and I will get NINE straight days with my baby!! =)


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December 20, 2012

What a good perspective! It’s good to realize what really matters in life.

December 26, 2012

9 days with your baby is wonderful! I’m glad you don’t let things get you down. I try to be like that as much as possible too 🙂

December 28, 2012

Hope you had a great vacay with your baby girl. I remember how upset my sister would get when she’d get home from work and her son would cry and not want his Nana to leave (who cared for him during the day). I see how it hurts my Husband when the girls only ever want me. It just sucks that you have to go through that, but in the long run – your dual incomes will build so many possibilities forall of you – and Emily will be NO worse for the ware… you have a great bond with her. ryn- lol I have no sleeping tips. I just saddle them up next to me so that I can sleep. I was never cut out for having kids who slept in their own beds… too lazy for that! 😉