At least it’s over.

Saturday-  Bryan is going to call the nanny and fire her when he gets home from the store, so I’ll have an update on how that went down below.
Bryan was having a few doubts yesterday as to just how bad it is, so we decided to put some finality on it.  She watched Emily for a half hour before I got home and we recorded it.  Guess what she did?  Literally did not move from the spot she sat the entire 35 minutes..didn’t move an inch.  The second Bryan left she picked up her phone and stared at it until the second I walked in the door.  And before Bryan left, he asked her if Emily had been crying at all because her voice was hoarse and asked if she was behaving.  She said she hadn’t cried at all, except when she scraped her chest the other day on the slide (she told me that day Emily didn’t cry and kept on playing).  When I got home I asked the same thing, if she had cried at all, and then I specifically asked if she had to discipline her at all recently because she had been a little sassy with me lately (not true, but whatever).  She lied straight to my face.  She said she hadn’t disciplined her at all, except she did have to scold her and tell her to bring the playdoh back into the kitchen once and she listened.  So now that she has straight up lied to our faces, Bryan has no problem making the call.
I have to say though, I don’t think she’s a bad person or anything, she just is a terrible nanny.  And apparently now a liar.  She is lazy and doesn’t want to work.  The ONE time she put down her phone for two seconds yesterday was because Emily crawled up on the couch behind her (the nanny was leaning against the couch sitting on the floor) and peeked around her shoulder with a huge smile to play peek-a-boo with her.  She put down the phone and hugged her and kissed her cheek and smiled..then picked up her phone and ignored her.  I have no doubt she likes Emily.  Hell, she’s a nanny’s dream I would think.  She isn’t unruly, doesn’t hit and throw things..she disciplined her for stuff we let her do and don’t give a crap about.  Why couldn’t she just do her job?  Seriously, it’s only a few hours you would have to paint and draw or read or walk around.  She’s shit out of luck now.
I think she had a sense something was up yesterday because of our questioning.  She text messaged Bryan something about playdoh and she texted me a picture of Emily smiling, saying she thought this was cute and forgot to send it.  She never does that.  Maybe she felt guilty for lying to us.  But what’s done is done.  She even said she was going to bring a bunch of baby boy clothes with her on Monday.  She seems so nice…I had no clue she was neglecting my daughter.  
So all those people who left me the nasty comments about nanny cams when we first got them can now officially shove it.  There would have been NO way we ever would have found out, and then she’d be neglecting a toddler and an infant.
Bryan actually called her last night to let her go, but she didn’t answer.  She texted a few minutes later saying she was rocking her niece to sleep and couldn’t talk right now.  Who knows if that’s true, but whatever.  As he went downstairs to call, I unfriended her on Facebook.  About 20 minutes later I get a request to add her back again.  So, I’m sure she’s caught on by now that something isn’t right.  I of course didn’t add her back again as the deed will be done today anyways.  
We were planning on going to the zoo today with Bryan’s aunt and talking about her possibly helping us with childcare before my maternity leave, but it’s raining so we switched it to tomorrow.

 It turns out she can’t help Tuesday AND Friday next week. =/ Im so thankful she can help at all though.  Tuesday I can work half the day and then hopefully get out of the second half and come home to watch Emily.  Friday Bryan doesn’t leave for work until 2:30pm, so there’s a possibility I could make it home before that.  I’m going to contact that drop-in day care and see if that’s a possibility just in case.  It will be after her nap and would only be for a very short time.  I think she’ll flip her lid and feel abandoned and probably sleep like crap for a few days because of it..but I don’t know what other choice we have.  I’m thinking negatively though.  She could like it.  The last time she went there was over a year ago and it was the infant room.  She would be in the toddler room now with toys and other kids.  Who knows, maybe she’ll like it.  She won’t like Bryan leaving though, I know that. *sigh*
I took her to that little kids tumbling class last night and it was fun.  Unfortunately I can’t bring her back until some time after Caden is born because a lot of the classes for the section of time I would be paying for I just wouldn’t be able to make it to because I’ll have an infant.  Bryan works at the same time as the class and I wouldn’t be able to participate.  I think when he’s a little older we’ll go back though.  She played with another little boy for a while, but she’s so independent.  
Sunday – Well, when Bryan tried to call the nanny yesterday she didn’t answer, then once again sent another excuse by text message saying that she basically wouldn’t be able to talk all day.  She was avoiding it.  So Bryan asked her for her email address and he had to write it out.  Nice…firing someone by email.  She made it pretty clear she wasn’t going to talk to us though and it had to be done before Monday since she was scheduled to work that day.  Not exactly how we wanted to go about it..but it’s done.  I hope I never see her again.
Ironically the friend request from her that I didn’t respond to on Facebook is gone.  I have ones from looong ago on there, so she specifically cancelled it.  Bryan sent her a text to read her email yesterday, so we can assume she did.  No response to the email, no texts, no calls.  I’m assuming she is going to focus on our "bad behavior" of recording her and not the bad behavior we caught her doing, or the fact we have proof she lied to our faces.  In the end it doesn’t matter how she takes it or if she learns from it.  The important thing is Emily wont be neglected anymore.
Ugh, it’s 11 o’clock at night now and I am exhausted.  We went to the zoo today and Emily really liked it.  I have pictures, but I’ll post them in another entry later this week that isn’t all about nanny crap.
I think I’m going to put an ad out for a part-time nanny just for those 5 weeks before my maternity leave that we don’t have a plan for child care.  We’ll have three weeks if Bryan not working to find one.  It’s temporary obviously (unless they’re available four months later after my maternity leave too) but the pay is good so I assume I’ll get a few responses.  We’ll have to buy the cameras before then, but they have a lot of good options at Best Buy so they’re easy enough to get.  I just don’t want the huge stress day to day right before Caden gets here of worrying if our childcare is going to work that day and stressing about Emily feeling abandoned in daycare or having to adjust to a huge change right now.  It seems like the easiest route if we can find someone we like.
All right, I need to go to bed.  Emily had me carry her all over the fair yesterday and half of the time at the zoo today, so my entire body aches.  I need sleeep.
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August 26, 2013

You guys did the right thing! xoxo

People gave you crap about getting nanny cams? They must not have any children!

You absolutely did the right thing. She doesn’t sound like a bad person & thank goodness she wasn’t physically abusing Emily, but neglecting her for long periods of time is bad in itself. You aren’t paying her good money to sit around all day. It sounds like she isn’t even there for long.. it’s not like she is working full-time SAHM hours! I absolutely would have nanny cams! xxx

August 26, 2013

If I was in her position and I really enjoyed my job and my immaturity took over and I did what she did, I would have responded to that email and asked for another chance and an opportunity to sit with y’all and make things better. How old is she?

August 26, 2013

I just read all your entries about the nanny – WOW. You definitely did the right thing! I know it must have been hard because you trusted her so much and really thought you hit the jackpot with her… I bet she was good in the beginning and then got “too comfortable.” Not okay. Good for you for having the nanny cam! You can never be too cautious. Hope y’all are able to find other childcare soon!