9 weeks! & Easter pics!


I am seriously considering starring in a short movie aimed at teenagers to deglamorize pregnancy.  See, it would start with a close-up of my acne-ridden face.  And then I would say, “This is the face of pregnancy.”  Then it would dramatically zoom out on my bloated body and I would point to my bump and say, “You think this is cute?  This is not a baby.  This is almost seven days of food that refuses to leave my body because I CAN’T POOP.”  I would scream the last part and perhaps cry a little afterwards.


Effective, no?


But besides my acne and inability to poop, I’m doing good. =)  I felt like death all last week and my stupid bookmarks weren’t working on OD so I didn’t bother coming on.  I caught Emily’s cold and it was awful.  I had a horrible cough and was stuffed up and generally felt like death.  Friday was the worst and I’ve progressively felt better since then, so that’s good.  My “morning” sickness seems to be a little better?  I just didn’t feel nauseous much last weekend and today so far I feel fine.  


Easter weekend was great!  We were at my mom’s and the weather was absolutely beautiful.  Couldn’t have been nicer.  We were going to take the kids to an Easter egg hunt Saturday morning, but Jack got sick during the night and so Bryan and I just took Emily.  It was pretty stinking cute.  She didn’t really understand the whole pick up the eggs and put them in the basket thing at first, but she caught on quick.  When we did it again at my mom’s house on Sunday she knew exactly what to do. =)  We spent so much time outside on Saturday!  The Easter egg hunt in the morning, then we went back to my mom’s and Emily napped for an hour and a half, then after lunch Jack was feeling better and we all went to the beach for an hour or two.  Lots of fresh air and being outdoors.  Emily looked exhausted (but very happy) that night and we made sure to start her bedtime routine on time and not push it back.  She fell asleep early, probably around 9:30, and didn’t wake up until 9:30am the next morning!  Of course she got so much sleep she refused to nap at all Sunday. =)


She’s been doing the more and more frequently, actually, going all day without a nap.  And she doesn’t get exhausted like she used to at the end of the day when she does that either.  In fact, it’s even harder to get her to go to sleep at night when she doesn’t nap during the day!  My crazy opposite girl.  She probably didn’t fall asleep until 10:30 last night and then she got up at 8:30 this morning.  I can’t force her to sleep.  *shrug*


I tried to use my doppler last night (9 weeks) and I couldn’t find anything.  I know it’s a little early, but I think I couldn’t find it because I’m probably just listening to a bunch of crap (literally) woosh around in my belly, my bladder wasn’t completely full, and for some reason Emily gets very concerned when I do it and has to hug my head the entire time so it’s hard to concentrate, lol.  I’m hoping I can go to the bathroom soon and then I will try again.  We were at my mom’s from Thursday afternoon until Sunday afternoon, so I wasn’t eating my Raisin Bran or anything.  I had a huge bowl this morning.  If it doesn’t work by tomorrow I’m going to have to take the milk of magnesia or I will start to cramp…have to pick the lesser of two evils, I suppose.  Don’t you love my pregnancy talk? =)


My next appointment is the 10th and we’ll get our first ultrasound then.  It’s just the crappy one in the doctor’s office, but at this point ANY confirmation that there’s a baby in there is all I care about.  If everything looks okay at that appointment I’ll finally tell my boss and give her a heads up that I’ll probably be needing maternity leave at the end of the year.  I’m going to get the NT testing, so I assume I’ll be getting a nice clear ultrasound before 14 weeks, which isn’t too far off.  14 weeks is still that dreaded number for me though…until I get past that point I’m not sure I fully believe the pregnancy will result in a live baby.  


Bryan’s spring break is over and he goes back to work today.  It was nice not having to pay the nanny for the last two weeks! =)  I had a great three-day weekend with my baby though

and now I miss her that I’m at work.  It’s 10:15 and I think I’m going to head home early for “lunch” (ha) and play with her a little before her nap.  If she actually naps.


(later) So I went home for lunch and played with my baby for a while. =)  She is getting such a personality lately!  She talks and talks now.  I’m able to understand a lot of it, but some stuff I have noo clue.  When we got home yesterday I was putting the groceries away and she wandered over to the sliding glass door to our deck that was open.  The cats were out so I couldn’t close it, so I told her she couldn’t go outside right now and she turned around and grabbed her Woody doll (Toy Story) and leaned waaay out the door without her feet going out, and made him walk on the deck, lol!  Then she ran and grabbed her baby doll and made it do the same thing. =)  So funny.  It is sure exhausting having a toddler, but it is so great.  I wouldn’t trade her for the world!!


All right, let’s see if I can get the ridiculous amount of Easter weekend pictures posted!



I couldn’t get all of the photos to upload, but here’s some of them:

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April 1, 2013

The weather has been amazeballs!!! Sorry about the constipation, gah! Worst part of pregnancy for me. Maybe a daily juice? Biokult (the probiotic I take) is safe to take in pregnancy… And time, about 7 more months, lolololol 😉

April 1, 2013

So sorry about the acne and constipation! Those are two things I definitely don’t get for whatever reason. Great pictures! I love the last one. They all look so happy 🙂 I hope you can hear the baby soon on the doppler. It’s soooo reassuring!

April 1, 2013

I can’t wait for you to start feeling better! I’ve always been constipated so this is nothing new lol. The one thing I have been shocked about is my lack of acne so far. My skin has been clearer since being pregnant than it was before! Crazy. I’ve heard wives tales that breakouts mean girl…so you might have your second girl and I might have my boy! 😉 Emily is so darling! Looks like a great day!

Oh! Looks like I’ve missed an exciting piece of news by not being around OD much over the past couple of months! Passing on my congratulations. 😉

April 2, 2013

My next appointment is on the 10th too!

Love the pictures! She is so cute! And her hair is getting long. Yikes. Glad I didn’t suffer from acne or constipation when I was pregnant! I have IBS-A though, so it definitely changed my bm’s.. I was actually more regular while pregnant than I had ever been! LOL.

April 2, 2013

The joys of pregnancy! Can’t believe how big Emily is getting! Love the pictures!

Lovely photos. The constipation thing is an issue for me this pregnancy too, its no fun and i hope it gets better for u. all the best xx

April 4, 2013

Random Noter: You have a beautiful family!