8 weeks!

Wow!  The responses to my last entry blew me away.  I was clearly wrong assuming people would think negatively of me for chosing the c-section over the VBAC!  It was a hard thing for me to admit though..that the natural childbirth thing just wasn’t all that appealing.  It seems like moms are judged on everything and I assumed that would be big-ticket one.  But thank you all so much for the support.  =)

I am 8 weeks today!!  I am still feeling a little detached from the whole thing as I haven’t seen a heart beat or an ultrasound or anything.  I probably saw Emily 3 or 4 times by this stage in my pregnancy with her!  Besides feeling like complete crap, there’s really no "proof" to me that anything is in there.  No one called about my blood work from the last appointment, so I’m assuming everything looked okay.  It’s just a giant sit-around-and-wait thing right now.  On the plus side, I think I’m going to try and use my doppler next week and see if I can pick up a heart beat.  I think I was right around 9 weeks with Emily when I heard it, so when we get back from my mom’s next Sunday I’ll try.  I think that will make it feel more real to me.

Having all day sickness and pregnancy insomnia is no fun when you have a toddler.  I’m not sick to the point of throwing up, but it’s like I always feel nauseous and it’s very annoying.  Sometimes eating helps, sometimes it makes it worse.  I am craving carbs big time and trying to keep myself in check there…but I admit I just made a spaghetti bake that’s in the oven right now. =P  I’m thinking I can take it for lunches next week to satisfy that craving and then try and eat less carbs at home.  Apples are a big craving too.  I bought a huge jug of apple juice yesterday and a bunch of apples and could eat them all day long.  Emily is enjoying the apple slices too. =)

I am crazy busy at work.  I am so tired and I’m suprised I am functioning half of the time.  I finished a huge transcript last week, spent all day (besides breaks) in court doing a stupid divorce trial, got another huge transcript order.  At least it makes the day go by quicker.

It seems like Emily has been sick all of 2013!  She has yet another cold and there’s a cough with it this time. =( She’s had a runny/stuffy nose forever now it seems.  The cough isn’t bad at least.  She hasn’t been eating much and about three days in a row was barely sleeping.  A few nights ago she woke up screaming at 2am and there was nothing I could do to calm her down so Bryan bounced her.  Poor thing.  She slept well last night at least and ate a good bit of breakfast, so I’m hoping she’s on the mend. A little girl at KinderMusic was coughing a lot last week so I’m thinking that’s where she got it. =/  It happens.  I hope no one is sick this week though because we’re going to my mom’s next weekend and I want her to feel good!  

We’re going to Michael’s after Emily has lunch today to get some birthday presents for my neice and nephew.  I was having a hard time thinking of what to get them (their birthdays are only a few days apart) and I saw this idea on Pinterest a long time ago and decided I would do it for their birthdays!  So you get a huge box and buy a bunch of balloons and tiny toys and get coins and money and stickers and things.  You put the toys or money or coins in the balloons and blow them up and fill the box!  So I’m thinking a bunch of blue balloons for Jack and a bunch of pink ones for Samantha. =)  It’s not a great toy or anything, but it will be fun and memorable and I’m going to put enough money in there that it would be worth a toy anyways and they can pick it out themselves or spend it how they choose.  We’ll have to bring the supplies up to my mom’s next weekend and do it then, then we’ll seal the box and I’m hoping my mom will drop it off at their house on Jack’s birthday (April 1st).  Should be fun. =)

Haven’t been up to much else.  I’m trying to be a good mom when I feel like crap all the time.  I think I’m doing okay, but I find myself relying on TV a lot which makes me feel like crap.  But sometimes I’ll be feeling dizzy or just need to sit down and I know if I turn something on she will stay in the vicinity and let me rest a minute.  She doesn’t even watch it all that much, but when it’s on she tend to play in the living room more.  Bad, I know, but only temporary.  I am looking forward to the second trimester!  Ugh.

Yay, spaghetti bake is done! =P


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March 24, 2013

Enjoy your spaghetti bake! You do what you gotta do to get through the sickness whether it means the TV is on some or not. I’m glad Cody is at the point where he will play with his toys in the family room by himself sometimes which allowed me to get a rest when I needed it. Apples are delicious to me lately too! I bought like a dozen yesterday. Yum!

March 29, 2013

I’m right there with you on the insomnia and nausea!