5 more days!

I think I have my first pregnancy craving…and it’s milk! =)  I drank almost an entire gallon over the weekend.  Yikes.  Which is funny because since Emily is allergic to it I have stuck to Almond milk the last year or so even though Bryan drinks it, but it tastes soooo good right now, lol.  Salad sounds really good too.  Cookies and sugar with Emily and milk and salad with this one.  I’ll take it! =)
My blood pressure has been super low lately.  On Friday I couldn’t get out of bed because I was so dizzy.  I had Bryan get me an orange and something to drink and I was eventually able to stand up without everything spinning.  At least I hope it’s related to my blood pressure and not blood sugar. =( I had a headache all day and the next day I was feeling better but checked my blood pressure and it was 95/58, so still pretty low.  I’m a little nervous for the gestational diabetes test now!  Wouldn’t it figure that I’m eating really well in this pregnancy and not all the sugar and crap and then I get GD!  I sure hope not..but I’d deal.  Might account for why the baby is big.  8oz at the anatomy scan!
Oh, and I think there’s something about my uterine anomaly that makes it very difficult for a baby to be head down.  Emily was transverse (sideways) or breach the entire pregnancy.  I remember her head was always on my right side.  This baby is transverse with its head on the left!  Which I hope it turns soon because it is very difficult to sleep on my left side and squishing its little noggin, feeling it squirming to get unsquished, lol.  I’m having to lay a bit on my back and side because of it.  My stomach does look wide because of it though.  I can tell right where the little head is!  I loved that with Emily though, having her head up high next to me.  I don’t know why…maybe that sounds weird, lol!  The DR was saying it really doesn’t matter if this one is breech too since I’m having a c-section anyways, so I honestly hope the baby is breech again!  The consensus is that it’s painful having a head stuck in your pelvis, so I’d like to just not experience that. =) 
FIVE days until the gender reveal!!!  Six until my baby’s second birthday!!  This week cannot go quick enough. =) I just talked to the baker and confirmed she got the envelope with the gender, and she did.  Let me tell you though, Bryan and I have come up with about 100 theories on why it’s a boy or a girl, and she gave me more ammo, lol!   She is going to dye the inside of the cake pink or blue, not have the filling that color, and then she told me she’s making the filling raspberry.  I mean..pink would match the raspberry better, don’t you think!?! Lol!  Don’t feed my obsession =)
We went to Party City and got some decorations for Emily’s birthday!  We’re doing a Dora theme because we honestly couldn’t think of anything better and they had a ton of Dora stuff.  She doesn’t watch TV much anymore (we even canceled our cable but still have Netflix) but she does like Dora and a few of her presents are Dora related, so she’ll like it.=) I know I’ve said it a million times, but I can’t believe she’ll be TWO!  It went by so fast.  When the new baby turns two Emily will be four and a half!!  How?!?!?
Anyways, we have a short trial at work so that will make the first half of the week go by fast at least.  Emily and I will leave for my mom’s as soon as I can escape work on Friday.  Bryan works until 9pm Friday nights and we are clearing out the room that is soon to be the new baby’s room (we’ll finally know what to paint it this Saturday!!) so he is bringing the bed up with him on Saturday to my sister since we don’t have anywhere to put it.  The room looks sooo strange empty.  I was feeling all mushy yesterday when I opened my bedroom door and looked into Emily’s room and right next to it at the new baby’s room.  I realize how lucky I am to be able to have my children have their own rooms right across from mom and dad.  When I bought this house I bought it with children in mind and it’s finally filling out and becoming want I pictured it to be.  It’s great to watch =)
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All right, I’m home now and little miss needs a bath!
Here’s some pics from when I got home today:


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June 4, 2013

shes precious!!! im having my first daughter in a couple months and i cant wait!! i have two boys, so it should be pretty interesting 😛

June 5, 2013

Ahhhh! I’d be going nuts right now!!!! Raspberry does go better w/pink than blue, in my opinion, hahaha! The last picture of Emily is so cute!

Milk is a great craving, i wish that was what mine was lol. Such a cute lil girlie u have 🙂 How exciting to find out the gender, i can’t wait to hear about it. ryn- after you deliver over here ur in ur own room for a while then they transfer you to the maternity ward where there are like 6bed bays and only a couple side rooms.. i HATE being on a ward as u get no privacy.xx

June 5, 2013

Congrats!!! Great week!! I just had my 20 wk appointment and I can’t believe it is real! I was waiting to hear the baby is healthy 🙂 I should write my first pregnancy entry. =)

Raspberry would seem to go better with pink, but she could be trying to throw you off?! Didn’t the doctor early on mention it possibly being a boy? So of course, 50/50 chance! haha. I bet you are bursting to find out. How exciting!

June 7, 2013

Tomorrow is the big day! Yay!