3D ultrasound & the weekend *pics*

I had my laassst high risk appointment last Friday!  It was a great appointment. =)
My cervix measured 3.7, which is perfect and I’m out of the woods for any problems with that now, and I got the 3D ultrasound pictures that I wanted!! =D It was the one ultrasound Bryan couldn’t make it to though. =(  He’s happy to see the pictures at least, but I held back saying it was the best ultrasound I’ve had in this pregnancy so far..and there’s not too many more opportunities to go now!

Here is my handsome little man:



I know that their weight predictions can be off, but they estimated him being 2.5lbs already!  I didn’t think anything of that until I was reading ahead on my pregnancy app for 27 weeks (which I will be in two days) and it said the baby will be almost 2lbs now…wha?  Is he really that big!?  OH, and he’s HEAD DOWN!  Shocked the hell out of me.  I remember a few days before the ultrasound I kept telling Bryan it felt like he was turning and I didn’t know which way he was now, but I didn’t expect him to be head down!  No freaking wonder though, because I’m having pains I never had with Emily.  My crotch hurts.  The muscles just supporting that whole area hurt.  At the very end of the day I literally am limping and feel like I can barely walk.  Crazy!  I feel good otherwise and I just try to ignore the pain for the most part.  He felt like he went sideways again last night, but this morning I can’t tell.  Oh well.


I usually jinx it when I write about it..but I have to write about it!  Emily has not woken up at night for WEEKS.  It’s the longest stretch e.v.e.r.  She seems to be going through some kind of spurt though.  Still won’t eat well, still looks a little chubbier than normal, so I’m assuming once she starts eating again and thinning out, she’ll stop sleeping as well.  Such is life. =)  It’s been amazing sleeping so much though.  We stayed up late watching a movie on Saturday night, which I never do anymore because I am always exhausted by the end of the day.  She slept in until almost 9am the next morning!!  She did refuse to nap yesterday, which isn’t a huge deal, but she went to bed an hour and a half early and I had to wake her up at 8:00 this morning!  I think I was asleep at 10pm last night and woke up to my alarm at 7:30 this morning..only got up once to pee!  Any parent going through the phase I’ve been in for the two years prior to this want to slap me, I’m sure, lol.  My little girl is getting so big. <3


And for some crazy reason I am excited as hell to start all over at the beginning with Caden. =)  I am so meant to be a mom.  Just thinking back on Emily as a baby, I remember her being so colicky and miserable for months, learning how to breastfeed, her sleep issues that continued forever, but I would happily go through it all again..and I’m readyto go through it all again.  There will be moments..oh lord, I know there will be moments..but I just want it to start already!  I am looking forward to him waking up at night and having those moments that just he and I can have together, bonding.  No one else around but him and I, him getting to explore my face and me getting to explore his.  *le sigh*  


Emily loves my doppler and every time she finds it she makes me put the gel on my belly and find the heartbeat. =)  She has yet to understand anything about a baby being in my belly or that she’s going to have a brother, etc, but when I got the heartbeat and was telling her it’s a baby, then I showed her those 3D ultrasound pictures at the same time and told her that’s what’s in mommy’s tummy, she just stared at the pictures like she was starting to get it, but that it didn’t really make sense.  That’s the closest she’s been to understanding though!  I was telling her that it’s going to be her baby too, that she can help change diapers, give the baby bottles (when I start pumping after a few months at least) and hold the baby, etc.  It’s one of those things that, again, we’re going to have our difficult moments, but I can tell there are going to be some great ones too, so I’m focusing on those. =)  She’ll be a great big sister.


We went to that little island again on Saturday and it was so great!  Much easier with Bryan being there,

too.  When I went just Emily and I last time, it’s difficult being big and pregnant and wrangling a two-year-old on a boat with all of our things, so it was nice to have help this time!  Plus it wasn’t windy at all and it was absolutely gorgeous outside.


That’s not mud, I promise, lol


Just to clarify, us doing those yoga poses or whatever on the beach was a joke, lol!  There was these skinny, cutsey little teenagers taking pictures of themselves on the beach doing all these poses and Bryan and I were saying how funny it would be if we were doing that…especially me, lol!  They’re all trying to look cute and skinny and bendy…looks a lot different with a giant belly hanging out the front!  LOL.  Ah the stages of life. =P

Emily had a blast though.  We actually had planned on going to the swimming pool, but it was closed, so we went there instead.  She never went near the water when we went last time (it was super windy though) and so I didn’t bother putting her in her swimsuit.  So of course she got soaking wet and then I took her shirt and diaper off so she just had shorts on.  Pretty much everyone calls her a boy because of her hair anyways, but she really looked like a boy without a shirt and just little shorts on, lol.  She’s my adorable baby girl though. <3  


Here’s a cute pic I took last week when we were playing with Playdoh:



I’m really trying to get into arts and crafts with her now.  I bought a bunch of crayons and paint and paint brushes, but we don’t have a little table for her so we’ve just been sitting on the kitchen floor.  It’s fun, but it’s a pain in the butt.  I also found out last week that the Jumperoo we got for Emily when she was little had been recalled, so I took that back to Toys R Us and they gave me $98 for it (even though I only paid $80 after taxes?) and we bought a little table! =D  They didn’t have it in stock, so it should be delivered tomorrow.  I’m excited about it. =)


Damn, Caden kicks so much harder than Emily ever did this early!  I have a picture of Bryan trying to feel Emily kick at the baby shower, which was just a few weeks before she was born, because he had never felt her kick a ton before that.  It seemed like every time he tried to feel them she would stop.  He felt them, just not a lot.  His hand has been brutally kicked several times with Caden already, lol.  My whole stomach jumps and moves..you don’t even have to touch it, you can just watch him moving in there, lol. Strong boy.


I really want to get Emily involved in a play group again, kind of like KinderMusic, but not.  I can tell she really wants to interact more with other kids, but she never has the opportunity. =(  She played so well with another little boy and girl at the park last week!  They were two years older than her, but really included her and she was giggling and laughing the entire time.  She really needs more of that, but I really struggle finding stuff that works with our schedule.  I’m going to continue that search today.


My GD test is the day after tomorrow.  Yippee!  It actually wasn’t horrible when I did it with Emily’s pregnancy, so hopefully it’s not bad this time.  I remember I felt slightly nauseous afterwards, but I passed and it wasn’t a big deal.  Crossing my fingers for good numbers!  I hope that’s not why he’s big. =/


Okay, I really have to get some work done.

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I just saw you on the front page and thought I’d read your entry. such neat pictures. actually, I think the yoga pictures of you and your husband look really neat. I didnt know you were goofing around until after I’d seen them and I just naturally thought they were great. 🙂 Emily is beautiful, and the 3d pics of your baby to be are so cool. hope everything is ok, saw that this is ahigh risk pregnancy, so I’m glad to hear there is a lot of good news going on. 🙂

July 29, 2013

Are you interested in putting her in toddler dance or gymnastics? They usually start at 2. That’s what I’m looking into for Micah for the fall. Love the 3d pictures, can’t believe he’s almost 2lbs already!

July 29, 2013

you guys are hilarious 🙂 Your little boy looks so gorgeous in there! Your pregnancy seems to be flying!

July 29, 2013

I am obsessed with your ultrasound pics! He is so cute!! Cannot wait till my next u/s… I think it’s another 5 weeks… hope she’s not too big to see by then! Love the beach pics too! You’re so cute with your belly! And how do people mistake Emily for a boy? She’s a little doll! Glad to hear she’s sleeping better! Hope it lasts 🙂

August 5, 2013

Oh that makes sense. So I guess they were checking the cervix, I might have not been aware… so hopefully all is good since they did not let me know. 🙂 Thanks! Hope your week is off to a good start. 🙂