34 weeks! Pics

34 weeks!! I feel like this is going to be the longest six weeks of my life. =) I actually feel pretty darn good, I’m just ready for it to be over because of the physical limitations it’s giving me as far as being the mom I want to be.  The last two weeks actually haven’t been so great.  We had a six-day armed robbery trial at work which had me coming home late every day, then when I did get home I was so exhausted and I only had a few hours to be with Emily before bedtime.  I was just overwhelmed.  One of those days the attorneys wanted a one-day turnaround on a transcript..meaning I didn’t get home until late, had a few precious hours with my baby, then after she went to bed I had to stay up past 1am transcribing something so they could have it the next day.  


And of course, six weeks before my maternity leave, everyone and their brother wants to order LONG transcripts that will take me weeks to finish.  I’m going to have to bring my laptop home during the weekends and work during Emily’s naps just to get it all done before then..and even then I’m not so sure it will happen.  I’m actually crossing my fingers that this jury doesn’t find this guy guilty so I won’t have this huge transcript to do. =/


But alas, it will all work out.  Just with Emily teething and waking up at night, not getting much sleep, working longer than usual hours, not having the energy or stamina I’m used to, it’s taking a bit of a toll.  But Emily has slept the last few nights straight through (even though she woke up an hour early this morning!) and the trial is over now and tomorrow will be Friday, so things are looking up! =)


In fact, today is our four-year wedding anniversary.  My mom is coming over to watch Emily and Bryan and I will be headed for our Space Needle dinner!  It’s the first year I’ve been pregnant during our anniversary, so I’m not looking forward to seeing the picture progression afterwards, lol!  But that’s okay.  I’ll be a hot skinny mama in next years. =P  We buy the same ridiculously priced bottle of champagne every year and date and save them, but I obviously don’t get any this year. =(  Bryan says we’ll try and save half of it for when I can have it, but it will either go bad because we don’t preserve it right or he’s going to drink the whole bottle and annoy the shit out of me.  It could go either way, lol.  


Our maternity pictures are supposed to be taken tomorrow, but I’m not sure it’s going to happen.  They’ve tried to reschedule a few times saying it was going to rain, but they can’t fit us in at any other times..and now it’s looking like it might not rain. *shrug*  So we’re going to try for tomorrow and hopefully we don’t get soaked.  I had the hardest time trying to figure out what to wear for them.  That long striped maxi dress I got isn’t all that great.  I found two shorter dresses that are all right and they were cheap enough so I got them.  Here’s the pictures I was texting Bryan from the changing room as I was trying them on, lol:

So I have the red one, the blue one, the long striped maxi, and a long black one that isn’t maternity, but still fits and looks all right.  I’m just going to bring all of them and see what they think would work best.  *shrug*


So we have the cameras installed in our house now!  They are so cool. =)  I am really loving having them.  We have one in the living room, one in Emily’s room, one in Caden’s room, and one in the downstairs family room.  I have a program on my phone that I just click on and up pops the screen with all four cameras and what they are seeing.  I can click on the one I want and pan around the room, listen to the audio, even talk through it!  When I was having a bad day a few days ago we had a short break and I looked at it and Bryan and Emily were playing and she was laughing and being silly and it brought the hugest smile to my face.  I’m really glad we have them and it will give me a huge piece of mind to be able to look in and see at random times what Emily and the nanny are doing.  Here’s a screen shot of all four cameras and then one of Emily’s room while she’s taking a nap:

Speaking o

f which, we have had a few nanny interviews over the last week.  The first one was great and I really liked her..but she had to bring her two-year-old daughter and it just wasn’t ideal.  There’s a lot of pros and cons to the whole situation, but after the interview and just thinking about it, I really wasn’t comfortable with it.  The little girl was nice enough, but Emily is just very laid back and calm and gets overwhelmed when people are hyper or..well..just a regular toddler.  She starts out by watching from a distance and then will eventually retreat to another room to get away from it.  So she wouldn’t be comfortable in her own home and she would be trying to get away from this little girl who essentially has to be in the same room as her so she can watch both kids.  


The next one we interviewed is the one we’re hiring.  Or at least I’m calling her today and offering her the job and hoping to hell she still wants it.  She’s not perfect..but we realized a while ago now that we’re never going to hire someone who is going to do exactly what we would do or be perfect like we want them to be.  She is very nice though and I think she will be great with Emily.  Emily was even holding her hand during the interview. =)  She’s much more mature than the last nanny, which I like.  She is a freelance photographer and used to teach dance classes for little kids.  This sounds sort of mean to mention, but we were also happy that she was physically healthy enough to PLAY, you know?  Chase a toddler around, get up and down off the floor a lot, move around.  We didn’t realize that would be important until the last nanny…so live and learn.  There was a lot of other great stuff about her, but I won’t drone on.


We interviewed the third nanny last night.  Immediatelyknew we would never hire her.  I know I’m going to come off as discriminatory when writing this, but I don’t care, lol.  I had a doctor’s appointment after work and so I got home a little late.  She had gotten there about 5 minutes before me, so she had met Bryan and Emily already.  When I pulled up to the house there was a dingy old truck with a handicap sign hanging in the window.  Oookay.  I walk in and there’s this stout, fat little woman wearing jeans so tight she had the biggest muffin top I had seen in a long time.  She struggled to get off the floor to greet me.  She wasn’t the cleanest person.  I knew Bryan was keeping his distance from her because she smelled, and he HATES that kind of thing.  And Care.com does a little background check for you and everything, but it doesn’t includeeverything, so of course I checked into all of them myself and the only thing she had on her record was some past money judgments against her.  I try not to hold that kind of thing against a person, especially if they are a few years old, which they were, and so I still felt we should interview her.  But we had issues trying to establish is she had a cell phone that actually works (she gave weird answers and I never did quite figure it out), she mentioned she just moved into a trailer, and then her demeanor changed to very serious and she told me the one condition she has working for us is she has to be paid under the table.  Just really rubbed me the wrong way.  Now, we pay under the table anyways (most nannies are..it’s just less of a hassle for everyone) but I just thought it was weird how she was so kind of forceful about it. I’m assuming she’s on some kind of assistance and doesn’t want that income to count so she can still get said assistance.




Yay, the girl we wanted to hire just called back and said she accepts the job!  *phew*  I’m still nervous as hell that for some reason between now and Monday she’ll change her mind or get a better job offer and say never mind..but I told the other two people I would call them today with our answer, so I have to tell them they didn’t get it.  Just have to cross my fingers that it works out.  It’s tough looking for someone for a short time period because I always think in the back of my mind that, since it’s temporary, they might just go and accept a better, long-term job when they’re in the middle of working for us.  Just have to hope it doesn’t happen and deal with it if it does.


Sorry, this entry is boring, I know.  I can’t think of much else to write about, lol.  The pregnancy is going great.  Here is a belly pic I took this morning:

I am getting more stretch marks, they’re just not red so you can’t see them in pictures too well.  If I took a picture of the underside of my belly it would probably be a different story, lol.  I’ve man

aged not to care much about it.  There’s not like there’s anything I can do about it and I’m hoping that even if I get some really nasty ones (which is possible with 40 days left to go) that they will fade and not bug me later. The few I got from Emily really didn’t bug me, but I will have a lot more and in a lot different location..so I’ll just keep my fingers crossed that in the end it won’t bug me.


My doctor made me nervous at my appointment yesterday!  I was mentioning how I loved the anesthesiologist who did the spinal for Emily’s c-section and he was telling me that he was the best, the head of the department, yada, yada, but that he moved and isn’t there any longer!  He was telling me how everyone always complimented him on how pain free and what a good experience it was.  So…I’m assuming others aren’t as good?  And now I know I won’t be getting the same guy (which I knew was a probability, but still..) and I’m wondering what if I get a bad one!  I wasn’t nervous about it at all because seriously getting the IV in my hand was more painful than the spinal, but now I’m worried it will be bad!  Arg.  I was probably going to cry and be scared anyways, so hopefully I’m just pleasantly surprised again.  I know spinals are apparently less painful than epidurals because there’s no catheter going in with it and so it’s smaller, but a shot in the spine still doesn’t sound like a picnic.  But, once again, it’s going to happen either way.


I washed all of Caden’s clothes last weekend and hung them in his closet.  I’m glad I did, because I didn’t realize how much more we needed, lol!  It’s hard to gauge though because Emily was in newborn clothes for what seemed like a long time, when most people tell you not to buy many newborn items because they grow out of it so fast.  But we literally only have like two newborn onsies and two newborn jammies.  We have a decent amount of 3 month stuff, but what if he’s itty-bitty like she was?  It’s so funny how you can’t really imagine them being different than the first one. =)  The suspense is so fun!  Like with Emily coming out with what looked like red hair at first. =) I am so interested to see his little face, see if he has hair, what color.  It all changes so much, but it’s still amazing.  I’m still shocked Emily has blond hair and blue eyes, lol!  Her hair is slowly starting to get darker though, so I’m sure in a few years it will be brown.  I will be so shocked if Caden has blue eyes though!  Bryan is so sure that he is going to come out with brown hair and ultimately have brown eyes. =)  We’ll see!


His room is pretty much complete now except for just some tidying up we have to do before the big day.  We still use the changing table for Emily sometime even though it’s in his room, so it’s a bit disorganized and cluttered.  I snapped a few pics yesterday morning.  It would have looked better with the curtains open, but Emily was still sleeping and I didn’t want to make noise in the room next to her and disturb her.  I’m also going to take the soft crib bumpers out and put the mesh ones on.  I like the soft ones for when they’re older, but I’m more comfortable with mesh when they’re little.

My baby sprinkle, or whatever it is, lol, is October 5th.  My mom sent the invites out, so I’ll be interested to hear how many people RSVP.  Like I said before, most of the people who we invited don’t believe in second baby showers and so I kind of doubt a lot of people are going to come, but she put in the invites not to bring gifts and that it’s a party to celebrate Caden and make him a scrapbook like the one we made for Emily, so hopefully that will get some of them there.  Even if it doesn’t, my mom and sister and the kids and my aunt and uncle will be there, so we will celebrate regardless!  I love get-togethers with my family and it’s a wonderful excuse to see them all in one spot. =)


Time does seem to be going by quick enough.  And now that I have so much work to get done before the big day, I really won’t mind if he stays in there until the scheduled c-section date!  In fact, I should really be getting that work done now, so I’m going to do that. =)  I’ll try and update more than once every two weeks, lol.


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September 19, 2013

I really like the red dress and love the stripes on Caden’s walls. /random button

Glad you found a new nanny! 🙂 Those cameras are awesome, I bet that gives a lot of peace of mind. 🙂 I love that red dress. Maternity dresses never looked good on me – but it looks great on you!

September 20, 2013

Your nanny sounds great! Is it a wait and see thing for after your maternity leave too, or will ya’ll just start over looking at that point? Caden’s room looks amazing!

September 21, 2013

Did you get those dresses at Motherhood Maternity? The blue one looks just like the pink one I wore at my shower 🙂 You look beautiful!! Hope y’all had fun at your anni dinner… saw the sweet pic on FB 😉 Hope the new nanny works out well! At least it’s not too long before Caden is here… so exciting!! His nursery is precious! Can’t wait to hear about how Emily is with her baby brother… 🙂

September 22, 2013

I can’t believe how close you’re getting! You look great! I’m not sure how long you’re having help after your C-section but you might want to have your change table station on the main floor for a while b/c of all the diaper changes. I have a pack n play set up in my family room and it is so handy for changing him! My guy grew out of newborn clothes in a month! And NB diapers in a week lol