28 weeks! (Tomorrow) *pics*

I have not had a moment to write, I swear.  Work has been so busy, I even had to come in on Saturday during Emily’s nap to get stuff done!  That craziness is mostly behind me now, so things should start returning back to normal.  

I was working so much the last week though, staying up after Emily went to bed to transcribe, that I was just really tired and run down.  I went straight to bed the last two nights though and I feel much better today.  I took Emily to the park after I got home from work yesterday and I was still feeling so tired, plus the heat, I was exhausted when we got home.  And I cannot for the life of me get Emily to be less possessive of that wheel at the playground, lol!  It’s sort of embarrassing.  She is such as easy kid..I’ve never even had to contemplate whether to give her a timeout in her life..but just walking up to the park, far in the distance she saw someone was playing on it and yelled “Noooo!!”  Wth, child?  Lol.  I’ve never seen her that way with anything.  She usually tries to give her toys away to other kids!  I’ve told her she has to share and she gets it and she’ll step aside to give them a turn on the stupid wheel, but she just stands there staring at them saying “No” and hitting her side..indicating she WANTS to be hitting them, but she won’t do that at least.  Just one of those things, I suppose.  


She is doing great otherwise!  She is STILL sleeping straight through the night.  It’s like a switch went off in her brain and all of a sudden she sleeps.  It’s amazing!  And excellent timing. =)  She such a happy girl.  We went to Toys R Us a few days ago to try and get her some more age-appropriate toys.  She loves little figurines, so we got her one with seals and polar bears and whales.  She *loves* whales, lol.  So she’s been carrying those around with her everywhere.  We got her a little wood train set too.  She can play with the train set up in the store for hours, but I refuse to pay that much for one.  The thing it freaking sits on is $200.  ONE of the trains is $25! Helll no.  But I found a cheap version that looked similar (smaller though) for like $50 with the track and four trains and she is in love!  Bryan bought a board yesterday and started gluing the track to it since she knocks it down every two seconds on accident.  I think both kids will get a lot of use out of it for a long time!


I did the gestational diabetes test last week and they never called me, so that means I passed!  Yay. =)  I psyched myself up for it, reading how everyone thinks the test is so miserable and puking and shaking are involved, etc.  I remember it wasn’t bad when I did it with Emily, but I braced myself to feel like crap.  Drank the lovely drink and felt slightly nauseous for about five minutes…then was good as gold, lol.  In fact, I had a ton of energy a few hours later and felt great, lol!  The only odd thing was my arm didn’t want to clot after she took the blood.  I was walking out of the building and people were looking at me weird and I didn’t think much of it until I looked down and there was blood cascading down my arm!  Ew.  Days later it’s still all bruised.  I’ve never had that happen before!  And I even complimented her on how painless the blood draw was, lol.  I’m assuming it’s the blood thinner (baby aspirin) I take every day, but I’ve had my blood drawn before in this pregnancy and that didn’t happen.  I can see why they have me stop it a few weeks before the c-section.  Yikes.


All of my doctor’s appointments are probably going to be boring from here on out, just weighing me and taking my blood pressure.  I’m not even sure I’ll get another ultrasound!  84 days until he arrives.  It’s less than three months at least, but I am SO ready for him to just be here already!  I know I was antsy for Emily to get here, but I feel much more anxious and ready this time.


Not that his room is even ready, lol.  I still haven’t bought the damn crib because it hasn’t gone on sale.  It has to go on sale within the next few months, right!?  And I don’t have any crib bedding or room décor or even a mattress for him.  I mean, it doesn’t actually matter since he won’t be using his crib for some time, but I had it done for Emily beforehand and I just want it done before he gets here too. I also haven’t found a location for the baby shower. =/  I can’t remember if I wrote about this or not, but my mom wants to have it on October 5th.  Which is fine with me!  In fact, that’s the 8th anniversary of Bryan and I getting together. =)  Speaking of anniversaries, our 4th wedding anniversary is next month on the 19<span class="bumpedFont1

5″>th.  We already made reservations at the Space Needle, but I’m starting to wonder if we’ll have to take Emily with us, lol.  The nanny will be off for a month at that time since Bryan has a break from teaching.  She said she’s going to Arizona or something and doesn’t know if she’ll be back.  The next option is to ask my mom since I’m pretty sure she’ll be re-retired at that time (It’s on a Thursday), but I have no clue if she’s planning on taking an RV trip between now and when Caden gets here and I don’t want to make her feel obligated to stay if she is.  It wouldn’t be the end of the world if we had to take Emily.  She is very good and would just sit there and eat with us..but it wouldn’t quite be the same.  Then again, it’s not going to be the same anyways seeing how I will be humongously pregnant, lol!  We always get the same brand of champagne every year and save the bottle (we got the magnum for our wedding.=P), but I won’t be able to have any this year! Meaning most likely Bryan will drink the whole damn thing and be drunk and annoying.  Yippee.


I’ve been trying to find a dress to wear for it.  I figure I can just wear the same one to the baby shower.  I’m really not into buying maternity clothes unless I need them.  I’ve never bought any maternity pajamas.  I wear the same two pairs of maternity jeans I got with Emily, the same work slacks I got with Emily.  I did have to buy summer tops for work this time around and a pair of shorts because of the different seasons, but other then that I don’t see the point spending money for something I’ve got less than three months to wear.  I buy a dress every year for our anniversary dinner though, so it’s going to happen either way, I just can’t figure out what I should wear. =/  I found this one online, but I’m not sure.  Aren’t stripes supposed to make you appear wider?  I don’t need that..lol:

It seems dressy enough for the anniversary dinner and casual enough for a baby shower.  I’m not thrilled that it’s sleeveless either since my arms are chubbier than usual.  Then again, my face is too and there’s no hiding that one, lol.  I just want something that is semi-flattering in my unflattering state. =)


Let’s see, what else has been going on.  We bought a cheap fire pit from Lowe’s!  We ultimately want to have one built in to our patio, but we can’t agree on how we want it and we don’t want to do it right now anyways, so this was a good compromise.  We had our first dinky fire last week and Emily had her first s’more. =)  Kind of a crappy version of a s’more, really.  The only graham crackers I could find that didn’t have soy were cinnamon and her chocolate pieces are tiny..so it was a very miniature s’more, lol.  She seemed creeped out by the marshmallow anyways, so oh well.  It was fun anyways.

Here’s a few more random pictures, one of Emily listening to thunder for the first time, one of an adorable onsie I want to get Caden, and the last is one the nanny took of some of the funny faces Emily makes:

We are going to my mom’s the weekend after next and I’m excited for that.  It’s fair time!  Emily will really enjoy it this year I think, looking at the animals, maybe even some of the rides.  I can never tell if she’ll enjoy a ride.  She likes to sit on rides, but once they start moving she either loves it or hates it, lol.  


Blah, it’s the end of the day now and my energy seems to have disappeared.  Such is life.  It’s gorgeous out and I can leave early, so I need to think of something to do with Emily since everything that sounds fun closes at freaking 4 o’clock.  So stupid.  I did look into a gymnastics type class for her, but it’s sort of a drive and it’s only one day a week, Fridays at 6pm.  I will probably check it out, but it seems most place

s stay open later on Fridays anyways so I didn’t have a problem finding things to do on Fridays, just the other days of the week, lol.  


Third trimester starts tomorrow!  The home stretch, so to speak.  I haven’t been having too much pain unless I sit still for too long.  It’s true for me that the more you move, the better you feel..the problem is I don’t have the energy to want to move right now. =)  

I need to get home to my baby now.



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August 7, 2013

I love how big your patio is!!! Mine is very small but I want to lay flagstone out past the cement that was poured to make it bigger. I also LOVE the gazebo! Less than 3 months?! He will be here before you know it!