15 weeks & Mother’s Day

I hope everyone had a very happy Mother’s Day!  Mine was great.  Emily and I left around 4pm on Friday for my mom’s and got there around 7:30.  Bryan works until 9pm on Fridays so he didn’t get there until about midnight.  Saturday we were just lazy.  When we’re at home Emily usually doesn’t let me sit down more than a minute before she’s pulling my hand to go somewhere, but there was a bunch of different toys to play with and my mom to play with and I actually got to sit!!  I admit I took advantage, lol.  It was nice.  
Sunday morning we went out to breakfast with my mom and sister and the kids, but before that we headed to his mom’s work for Bryan to give her flowers and a card and so she could see Emily.  It was actually very nice and his mom was so happy to see us.  I didn’t know how she was going to react.  I mean, was she upset at him since she didn’t even send a card for his birthday, didn’t call at thanksgiving, didn’t see or hear from them at Christmas.  She is just following orders from her husband though.  And she seemed upset that he never received a birthday or Christmas card because she said she had her husband send them.  Yeah, kind if like how she never received a baby shower invite for Emily, because later Bryan’s dad admitted he just threw it away.  I’m assuming he threw away the cards his mom had for him too.  Asshole.
Anyways, she said she had a bunch of presents for us and Emily from Christmas and wanted to bring them over.  I wanted to roll my eyes because I knew she would never bring them over.  She wouldn’t be allowed.  But around 2:00 my jaw dropped when I saw her pulling up my mom’s driveway.  She said Bryan’s dad was pissed but let her go because it was Mother’s Day. 
How generous. 
Anyways, it was the first time she ever got to really see Emily be herself and not just sitting at a restaurant with her head buried in my shoulder from shyness.  It took a while for her to warm up, but she came around a bit.  She likes opening presents now so she enjoyed that.  =) Christmas in May!
It was a great visit and a little bittersweet because it’s what we wanted all along.  We NEVER wanted to keep Emily from her, but she chooses following her husband’s orders over seeing her grandchild.  Anyways, when she went to leave Bryan asked Emily to give her a kiss and she hesitated a second (and I thought it was going to end awkwardly) but then she leaned forward and kissed her. <3  His mom left in tears.  I thin

k she got a glimpse of what’s she’s missing out on.
Bryan kept hounding her about coming to Emily’s birthday in a few weeks since we’re having it there, and we’re doing the gender reveal the day before.  I told him to leave her be.  All we can do is put the invite out and hope we see her.  We both highly doubt it’s going to happen but I’m afraid Bryan has his hopes up.  He has been so happy since yesterday.  *sigh*  It’s what we both have wanted, and even if she only sees Emily a few hours every few months or so, Emily really remembers that.  
We’re going to try something a little different to see if it helps.  See, Bryan’s dad’s excuse for not coming over to my mom’s is that she hasn’t invited him personally and he wants her to specifically call him and invite him, even though we’ve said a million times they’re welcome and she has said they are very welcome.  There’s a huge backstory on why we haven’t wanted her to call and we have gone to great lengths for him not to get her cell phone number (he drunk dials people frequently and even called her secretary at work once trying to get it out of her.*sigh*)  but my mom thinks she should just do it now.  I think it broke her heart seeing how much his mom wanted to be there but has been held back possibly because of that.  It’s honestly just an excuse and I am so thankful my mom is willing to try, but he’ll just make up something else to stay away.  Hopefully my mom doesn’t have to change her in number in the end. =/
She gave Emily the most adorable dress but it wreaks of cigarette smoke of course.  I’m figuring it will air out eventually, but anyone have any tips on getting it out?  My baby is not smelling like an ash tray.
We got home late last night and didn’t start Emily’s bedtime until about 9:45.  She fought it hard.  At 11pm she started grunting and decided to take a crap so she could get up, lol.  Oiy.  So we changed her and Bryan bounced her to sleep.  Then of course she woke up at 7:20.  I’ll never understand her sleep, ever.  She barely got 8hrs of sleep!  
I’m 15 weeks pregnant now!  I made it past that dreaded 14 week number.  I don’t feel pregnant at all lately besides my ridiculously large stomach.  I realizes last night it had been a long time since I used the doppler, so I got that out.  It took me a few minutes because the baby is higher than it was the last time I checked, but it sounded great when I did find it.  I’m still amazed how different this pregnancy is and how I can just forget it’s even happening sometimes!  
All right, back to work. 

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May 13, 2013

If you give the dress a quick wash and air dry it, it should get the smell out.

May 13, 2013

Glad you had a nice Mother’s Day! That’s so sad about Bryan’s mom. It probably breaks her heart that she can’t get to know her granddaughter bc of her husband’s orders… is he abusive? 🙁 Yay for 15 weeks! I really wish I’d gotten a Doppler… this anterior placenta isn’t providing me that reassurance I should feel from her movements!

May 14, 2013

Second pregnancies really seem to go a lot faster since we have kid #1 to chase after. Glad it’s going well with no complications!!

Wow, that is so sad about Bryan’s Mom. At least she was able to see Emily.. it’s a shame her husband keeps her from being able to. We don’t talk to my FIL either. It’s been almost 3 years.. ah well. Some people are not meant to be in our lives! xxx