15-week belly pic.


I know I just wrote yesterday, but I took a belly pic this morning and if I don’t post it now I might not get around to it later.  It’s not an "official" one (I have to get Bryan to take one today hopefully) but it will do.

So I’m 15 weeks 2 days according to my LMP, but the baby measured six days ahead at the last ultrasound.  I’m actually nervous to see what it’s measuring at my next ultrasound.  Since my c-section will be scheduled for 39 weeks, I might be pretty much 40 weeks instead meaning I’d have a greater chance of going into labor beforehand.  It wouldn’t be the end of the world..but hey, if I have to get cut open and recover from that, it’s only fair I shouldn’t have to go through labor pains too, lol!  I always feel so awful for women who labor for hours and hours only to end up with a c-section.  That would be horrible.  
I think I’m finally starting to feel movement!  I was sure I felt some rolling last week, but last night I definitely got a few kicks or punches.  I can’t wait for it to get more frequent and stronger.  It’s my favorite part of pregnancy. =)
And I’ve only gained 2lbs so far!  Woot!  All of which were probably gained last weekend, heh.  I’m actually at almost the identical weight I was with Emily’s pregnancy at this point (I gained a bit in the first trimester with her) so I’m happy with that.  
That’s it for now..just wanted to make sure to get a bump pic in!


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You are so tiny! Such a cute bump. I am glad that when I do get pregnant again, it will be a scheduled section and I won’t have to labor for 27+ hours only for it to end up in an EMCS like with Ava. As you said, I think it’s only fair! heh.

May 14, 2013

Beautiful baby belly!! LOVE the movements… I’m finally starting to feel them! =D

May 14, 2013

Love that belly!

May 15, 2013

Cute belly! Can’t believe you’ve gained so little so far. That’s awesome!

such a cute lil bump 🙂