14+ weeks and beautiful weather!

The weather has been so freaking gorgeous the last few days!!  I hate to admit my pregnant self doesn’t enjoy it as much as my non-pregnant self though.  I was hotter than heck yesterday and following Emily around outside, up and down our steep driveway, just walking everywhere, and I didn’t feel so great.  Something about the heat isn’t mixing with me well when it’s normally not a problem.  I bought maternity shorts at Target too, but the belly band makes me so hot that I would have to fold it down and then it just felt uncomfortable. =/ I’d better get used to it though.  The summer is long and I’m only getting bigger! =)  I’m 14 weeks as of Sunday but since the baby was measuring six days ahead at the NT scan I’m probably closer to 15 weeks.  Another belly pic soon!  
It was a great weekend though.  We were outside the majority of it.  OH, and we finally turned Emily’s carseat around yesterday and were out and about a little (not long) and right as we were pulling in he driveway she puked everywhere!  Poor baby.  Fortunately it didn’t upset her and we just got in the shower and cleaned her up before her nap, but I think she got carsick!  She had a runny nose earlier so I thought maybe she was getting sick, but she was in a great mood all day and it didn’t happen again. *shrug* We went to the grocery store later that day and it didn’t happen again.  Maybe it will just take some getting used to.
Next weekend we are going up to my mom’s for Mother’s Day!  I’m looking forward to it.  I miss my family and Emily absolutely loves them and being there.  It will be good.  Maybe this year we won’t all get influenza for Mother’s Day! =D
Oh, I forgot to write that I told the nanny I’m pregnant!  I took the advice that she doesn’t need all of my maternity leave info and so forth now.  I will give her advanced notice about everything, obviously, but the end of October is pretty far from now so I’m going to wait.  She was very excited for us and hugged me though. =)
I’m taking a lot of advice from you guys lately too because the whole Emily throwing a tantrum when we leave places was COMPLETELY solved by having her say bye-bye before we go!!  It’s a miracle, really, lol.  We left ToysRUs without a fuss, the grocery store.  I really didn’t think it would work at the park, but I just give her a few minute to say goodbye to the slide, etc, and she walks to the parking lot holding my hand just saying "bye-bye", lol!  Geniuses, you are! =)
But I jinxed Emily’s sleep by writing it was going well. =) The most consistent thing about her sleep is that it’s inconsistent!  It has gotten easier the older she gets though, so it’s not so bad.  She is waking up when Bryan comes to bed and crying and crying.  Bryan bounced her for a while Friday night and got frustrated and dumped her in her crib and said he is putting his foot down and not bouncing her anymore.  Yeah, right, dude.  We created this monster and we can’t punish her now for what we created.  I went and got her and she calmed down and fell asleep on me in bed.  She’s just been really restless the past few night.  So, the cycle continues.  I think I’m always mentally prepared for it now since the good sleeping trend never sticks. =)
<div style="font-family: Noteworthy; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 24px; -webkit-tap-high

light-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.296875); -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(130, 98, 83, 0.0976563); -webkit-composition-frame-color: rgba(191, 107, 82, 0.496094); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; “>All right, here’s a few random pictures from the park, first time facing forward in the carseat (before the puking commenced) and taking a break from playing outside =)



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My friends daughter looks so similar to Emily! Her eyes are just gorgeous. I was midway through my pregnancy during the Summer. I didn’t find it too bad until a really hot stretch of a week we had. I am hoping we’ll get pregnant soon, so then I will be pregnant mostly during the cooler months. Glad the Nanny was understanding!

May 6, 2013

Omg I want to eat your daughter up! She’s so adorable! Congrats on the baby! I just made my own maternity clothes when I was pregnant with my daughter. I’m fat so maternity clothes for someone my size is extremely expensive. What I made was a lot more comfortable than anything I could have bought. As Emily gets older, her sleep will get better. Don’t worry about that. lol

May 8, 2013

I love having them face forward! I know they say you should face them backwards til they’re 2 but I turned Cody a while ago because he’s so long that his feet were crushed against the seat. She’s such a cutie!! Love that water thing. Where’d you get it?