Puzzle piece

I dont fit with Tim. I’m a weird puzzle piece that doesn’t fit. I feel like im in his pocket until he can find a place to put me. 

Mark wasn’t great either. He recently apologized. Said he can’t believe that I put up with everything that he did and said. I told him that I put up with it out of love. And hope. I told him I felt like I deserved everything he threw at me, and there was no reason to fight back. 

"But you didn’t deserve all of that" 

He melted me. Just like that he made everything better. 

We’ve been talking a lot. He was really mad for a while. He mentioned that he doesn’t think that he could love me again. I told him that I don’t know that I could risk him treating me the way he did, again.  I don’t want to be lonely with someone again.  I don’t want to be brought low. Talk down to. Yelled at. Violence. 

That’s what I like about Tim, despite the fact that he was a fighter, the fact that he is very strong, he is gentle. He never wants to hurt me. 

But he only likes me when things are easy. 

He only likes me when there is nothing to be dealt with or handled. When there is no stress, no schoolwork, no money shortage. 

He says I’m tiring. My familly and my friends are exhausting. 

He says nothing is ever easy. 

He is leaving in May. 

and I’ll be here. 

not fitting in. 




kiss the frog!

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December 26, 2012

Merry Ho Ho Ho! Hope your Xmas was swell!

December 26, 2012

and ya, i read. not sure what to say. i imagine you’re a little confused