Pissed off and Dissapointed

I’m moping.

I’m moping because Mark spent the whole morning disappointing me.

We started having sex, then right in the middle he says he’s not in the mood. FUCK

I’m driving him to class, and he reveals that he does not want to go to the Roller Coaster park if its just going to be the two of us. FUCK

He doesn’t want to do anything that is just the two of us anymore. I fucking hate it.

Maybe I can get Storm and Tian to come. But then maybe Mark will insist that we are being old people by going with another couple.

Maybe I should just resign myself to never getting what I want. that seems healthy. I did it once before and I became a very kind and forgiving person. That was when I didnt write for like . . . . a year.

THen Mark came along. And I finally got the kind of partner I’ve always wanted. Then I went back to being like I am now. Maybe the key to me being a good person is denying myself everything that I want. . .

bah. It’s a conundrum I WANT to be a good person. . .


I’m braking out bad. I have a pimple on my nose and one on my jaw.

I’m an awful fucking person.

But I didnt know that Storm hadn’t been honest with Tian. THIS IS WHY PEOPLE SHOULDNT LIE. Because fuckers who arent in on it will ruin it. inevitably.

If storm hadn’t lied, it wouldnt be a big deal that I said something about his ex. THat I laughed about the fact that he cheated on her with 3 other girls and now he is afraid that Tian is going to cheat. I just though that was Ironic. I DIDNT KNOW I WAS STARTING A SHIT STORM!!!!!!!


I want to ride rollercoasters

kiss the frog!

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June 24, 2011

what kind of dude is mark?

June 24, 2011

grrrr. never say that sh.t. i’m not sure you didn’t mean it but ya, i’ve thought that. if you have something in your house, someobody is gonna find it. allegorically meant as well sh.tty about mark 🙁 i’m just gonna stare at your zit haha

June 24, 2011

I meant more of his attitude, is he more dominate, or submissive?

June 25, 2011

Maybe it’s not my place to say so but I’m gonna anyway…Mark doesn’t sound like the nicest of fellows.