odrunk duyrnlkk

es i a m fdruknmpk


and i hate spel lc heck


anyway. mark told nme that there is  a strong possibility that ihe llvoes me. i think its the beer talking



i hope iot as;l beacause other iwse this might get ea little more copmplietcated that na i wante it to


this is tuesly ironiuc being taht my tupings are too complil cated


its liek a metaphoe r ffor how my relations with amrk might hhet



owoms;olow andd i browke up. ok my ideea but i m hte one that is sad aboiut it

it was like tow week ago


but im sittll thinking about it  i lknow tht i lvoe himecep[ but ohter stuff makes it complicated


i wish there were no problems with oour love because i would then be very cool with wat wasd goindg on between us and that would be cool

i miss the old winslow because he was thin a nd a ttractive and veryy fun to be around but the winslow that exsistes now izx too self conscience to be of any fun


i wish he was hjis old seldf



this drunkedn rambling is dymb





kiss the frog!

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October 16, 2009

wohaweiohas wh;erwer wayroupsdf havw;eklj aewoviyewar durndksanf;ljk

February 2, 2010

I was able to read most of this, yay me!! haha yay for you for being a decently good drunk writer haha. Things happen, I know you know that, you’ll be okay, everyone will be okay, and the world will spin round and round 🙂