Nice guy

I know a lot of closet nice guys. Hell I know a lot of closet guys hahaha.

Winslow is a tough jerk wannabe but is too much of a nice guy deep down to actually stay angry/mad/mean at/to some one. I believe that my canadian friend codenamed "Jess" is also a nice guy. But a closet nice guy. A nice guy who wishes he could be mean and not feel bad about it later.

I pretend to be nice, but I think I’m a closet sadist. My roommate pretends to be a nice guy but behind the scenes he is a hypocritcal narcisistic racist douche. I think I spelled those wrong. ah well.

I can’t remember if I’ve written about the thing. Either way, all three dudes that I sent letters to wrote me back. The same can not be said for the Monk I’m sponsoring. MEH

Teddy sprained his ankle. The vet was really really nice. He called Teddy our kid. That made mark smile and blush. I hope we don’t turn into one of those weird couples that says "we have four children" when really they have four dogs. I could tell that Mark was genuinely worried about Teddy.  To me it’s cute because he has never had a pet and doesn’t know how independent they can be. When the vet told us to encourage rest, Mark thought that meant to ban all playing that involved running or jumping. Kittens will be kittens though, and Mark finally listened to me and let Teddy play enough to tire him out.


I love Teddy’s bowtie. I bet he’ll be a nice guy.


kiss the frog!

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