my ghost dog is now a ghost dog. . .

i hope this shows up. anyway sango my sweet puppy died today. unexpectedly. the vet said she ate something that cut up her insides.  now I’m all cut up inside. she was my baby. I know that sometimes i ignored her when i had friends over and i know that i should have walked her more, but what gets me is i know i saw her tonight. and i heard her wimper like she did when she wanted my attention. of course i heard this after she had passed, but i heard and saw it as plain as the hands in front of me.


i’ve hung her collar on the wall next to hannah’s (my st. bernard who died when i was 9 or 10)


I love you loo loo bell, and i always will.



hug the frog!</p

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March 10, 2008

Sorry about your little dog. Found memories are the best for sad hearts.