looking at it

Looking at my diary I see little viniettes of this happy silly girl that I am. In less than a month these horrible people will be gone.

Things will be better then. My life will drastically improve as the fuckheads go back to hicktown.

Lest we forget that Mark is asian and living with proud racists is not our cup of tea. I’ve never heard the word niggar from a white person with such joy.

Chink, gook, slope, dink, slanty, eyed bitch, stupid yellow fucker all the things they say about him. I hate them for it. I want to feed them laxitive brownies.


I am happy- I will be happy.  After argueing with winslow, I’ve decided to give up soda.

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April 17, 2011

i laughed at the racial epithets it’s vignettes 🙂 i think. it’s got a g in it anyway, from a g yo yo yo!

April 17, 2011

googled epithets to be sure of usage. it’s not perfect, but it’s close

April 17, 2011

and i was right about vignette. spelling anyway. suck it biatch! white faced hot dog eating cracker honky :p