little friend

There you are my little friend
Sitting there next to me.
Giving us hope in an end.
That only you can see.


Where is my little friend?
I need him now more than ever
He was my hope in the end,
My only friend and tether.


There is a strong likelihood that I have a substance abuse problem.

The self destructive urges are so very strong.


But I’m not suicidal. I’m not even emo. I don’t want anyone to notice, but I want to be in pain.


I’ve done wrong. A lot of wrong. Everyone is demonizing me. Seeing my blood proves that I’m still human. Being close to death proves that I’m still human. Surviving proves that I’m still strong.

But it’s counter productive- because if they knew- it wouldnt prove anything to them. It would be worse.


If I can bleed I’m still human. They can’t take away my humanity.



kiss the frog!

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April 12, 2011
