I love you today

There are days that extremely fun, I will never forget them, I will never forget driving down morganton holding hands with courtney in the other car. I will never forget drifting to le festin de balienes in the clarion parking lot

So dangerous

But then there are days and infact entire weekends that are ordinary in nature. This weekend we did nothing spectacular, or dangerous, we didnt get drunk or pick up chicks

Winslow and I had sex on saturday. That’s nothing out of the ordinary, we had sex last weekend too, but this time he took extra care to kiss me. alot. I loved that. It was exactly what i needed.

He made me feel so wonderful, not just physically, but the way he looked at me, the depth in his eyes and the little smirk that i adore. I love his body and I told him that. but he surprised me

"Winslow, I love your body"

"I like yours too meG, I love the way you look"

I flipped up to cloud nine at that point, he couldnt have said anything better. 

We got stuck for a moment, I don’t know why, he was looking at me and I was looking at him and I couldnt look away, he didnt look away. We got stuck that way for a moment until he said in his best retard voice "you’re really pretty" at which point i laughed. And then sex went on as usual

Lopez ate a huge amount of food when we went out to eat saturday night

we all played smash on the wii and made silly youtube video

The following days we still didnt do anything special. I stayed the night saturday and the next morning we layed around his den and watched portions of movies. Same old same old. We had sex again on his couch while watching the mummy.

We both had horrible morning breath . . . i don’t know how we managed haha.

Lopez and I hung out and talked for about two hours in my car (the fantasy fun pod) in front of his house

we snuggled and discussedthe ways of the world. Our conversations are always so deep and/or stimulating

and tonight winslow and i went shopping. I bought him a milkshake before i dropped him off at home, before i left we sat in his drive way listening to some beautiful guitar music that he wanted me to hear, and then I went home. 

The point of this whole entry is that I dont say I love you very often, to anyone, ever.

Even if i want to, i fight the urge.

This weekend I have wanted to say it several times. So I’m going to put them all right here. Some are to winslow and some are to lopez. none ever get said


I love you for peeking at me in the dressing room

i love you for offering to pay

I love you for playing songs for me

I love you for hanging out in the pod with me out front of your house

i love you for being the only person to take the time specifically to call me beautiful

I love you for kicking my ass in smash brothers

i love you for sticking up for your friends

i love you for how cute you are



My only wish- i wish both of them would kiss me more




kiss the frog!

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October 6, 2008

thanks. 🙂

October 13, 2008

aww, this entry is so cute! It’s so cool to hear a girl say pick up chicks, ya don’t get that very often. I told someone I loved them last night, and I didn’t mean it like “I love you and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you.” It was more like I just really appreciated this person and they made me happy. But it backfired. 🙁 meh.