I don’t like you as a person


So I have this friend, who is the perfect party pal, great for studying together, awesome to be roommates with. Totally considerate, fantastically quiet. Keeps to himself but joins the party when everyone is having fun. Has no desire to be a party pooper, just a generally awesome dude to hang with.

But I hate him on his principles. He came out to me, saying he is bisexual. Then literally a week later he informs me that he is completely against gay marriage.  @_@ I said "What if you fall in love with a man and want to spend your life with him?" he replied "Then I will, but we wont get married . . . that’s gay" I had to pick my jaw up off the floor. . .

He hates Obama, but he doesn’t know why he hates Obama. I can respect a republican point of view, especially a well thought out one. But when I said "Dude, why do you hate Obama?" he said "Well, I mean . . . y’know the same reason everyone does"  My Jaw. The Floor.

He wanted a cat along with everyone else in the apartment. He mentioned after we got the cat that he doesn’t want to be one of the official owners. He doesn’t want to have to put money into taking care of the cat. Ok, that’s cool, the rest of us will. But then when we were naming him dude refuses every name that anyone thinks of. We finally agree on Theodore Roosevelt.

We go grocery shopping and dude refuses to buy brand name shit . Taste-os are not as good as cheerios . . . but when we plan a group trip to savannah we can’t stay in "a shitty days inn" WTF right? 

Guy says he loves his girlfriend and would never cheat on her and then calls me to talk about all the hotties he wished he could have talked to today and how he has noticed his girlfriend gaining weight. BAH! 


There is more but I’m tired of thinking about it. meh meh meh.

I have a stress ulcer in my stomach. Must not get stressed out. PFFFF! 

kiss the frog!

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August 8, 2011

I can see why that would bother you.

August 8, 2011

*random noter* This guy sounds unbelievable…even though he’s real. I can’t follow his way of thinking at all. Love your user name and diary style colors.

August 8, 2011

sounds lame

August 9, 2011

he sounds so annoying. bleh.

August 10, 2011

people suck. true story.