Fuzzy snatch


ew. doesnt that title sound gross?  its true though. I really should shave my lady parts. I havent in quite some time.


gosh. I’m sore everywhere. I’m all noodly.


I haven’t got much to say.


I feel gross. So im writing gross things.

My nails are pretty. I painted them.


Am I a horrible person for getting mad when Luke said his girlfriend has an amazing ass, but that mine is substandard. I have a fantastic ass. people stare. Untill he had a girlfriend Luke couldnt stop talking about my ass. Luke’s girlfriend has one of those butts that is smaller that her thighs and also smaller that her love handles.  I thinks its a crappy ass. no pun intended. Maybe im just bent out of shape about it though.

I think I’m just feeling exceptionally vulgar today.  I have this urge to write about Mark’s dick.

I know he wouldnt appreciate that.

I hate ugly dicks. I refuse to continue romantic endevors with men who have an ugly dick. I feel physically ill having to look at one.

Mark has a great, beautiful, delicious, polite dick.

Mark gets compliment boners. The "you look really nice today" boner

I love that.


I’m done. I should go to bed.


kiss the frog!

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June 10, 2011

nice dick stuff ya i’d be bent out of shape about the assss comment, but not too much 🙂 his gf’s doesn’t sound that nice anyway