Every little thing

Carolyn: "Meghan, I’ve got news for you- Dorothy loved you. More than anyone in this world."

Mom: "You know you were her favorite. She didn’t treat anyone as well as you"

Dad: "Oooooooo she loved you so much."

Random Friends friends of hers "Oh she was so proud of you- you are all she ever talked about." 

                                                            "You don’t know how much you meant to her"

                                                             "you have no idea how much she loved you"

                                                             "You were her treasure you know that?"



Her- "I love you babe, you’re my sweet baby, don’t you ever forget it or I’ll have ta clobber ya!"




Everything I do reminds me of her. The way I sew is her way, the way I wear a dress is her way, the way I drive is her way, the way I cut bread   . . . . . . . Tomatoes . . . . . .

She hated tattoos and body piercings. She’d be so mad at mine. What if I got a tattoo of a tomato and the words "sweet baby"


I hugged her. I told her I loved her. She knew who I was. She said she loved me too. She was beautiful. She was cold. . . I want to hug her again.



I have a 5 page paper due on Thursday about family structure and elder care.
I have a 10 page paper due on the 21st about Appalachian English.
I have a 20 page paper due on the 12th about The Korean Language.
I have a 5 page paper due on the 26th about rural china.

I have an exam on Thursday. I have finals coming up too. 


I don’t have time to be sad. I don’t have time to break apart. I don’t have time to NEED a hug. But you can be sure- when classes end, I’ll be in mourning.


kiss the frog!

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March 29, 2011


March 29, 2011

whoa you got alot of damn work!