One week’ish left

 2013, not sad to see ya go. 

It’s been one hellish year, with the exception of getting Naya, although, that too, had its own circle of hell. 

My former job stabbed me in the back-told me to come in for interview, wanted me back…then didn’t hire me and gave no explanation.

Our adoption agency didn’t tell us Naya’s adoption was a private/lawyer adoption, which we did NOT want to do and we also learned the lawyer is slimy and repulsive and unethical. We are still NOT finalized with Naya and she’s going to be one in a week; still undergoing scrutiny from the agency. Good times.

Our mortgage company, we just learned yesterday, was sued and LOST in NJ for unethical practices such as the very ones they were trying on us. Turns out, the answers they were giving us were lies and their whole process of foreclosure was not allowed. Turns out they also were sued and LOST for these same things in 2004 and didn’t comply so were sued again. This means we now have a better chance of moving forward in keeping the house. It means they HAVE to work out a loan modification or payment plan as per the lawsuit settlement in NJ. So that may be good news.

Though Art tried to call the lawsuit help line today and got the same run around/no answer/I’m being so vague you can’t pin me down to anything bull crap. So we will see.

Why do some people suck? My job/career, the adoption of my daughter and my home all affected by people being selfish, liars or just greedy. 

I’m so ready to move on from the constant bickering Art and I do over finances. So ready to move on from the cliff hanger of home loss. So, 2013, can’t  wait to see you go. 

And I’m believing that calmer, happier times are ahead for us in 2014. 

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December 24, 2013

Good Luck and a better year, 2014

December 24, 2013

it can only go up for you guys here!!! *hug* Happy New Year!