and so it goes…


i have slept a cumulative number of thirty minutes between wednesday night and one am friday morning. we were up all night preparing for our studio portfolios (what is equal to a final) and at around six am this morning, after hours of swapping ghost and sex stories jeff and i decided it was time to clean my room. that man is amazing, he re-organized my closet, bookshelf, and shoes amongst other things. he left at around seven twenty and i power napped for fifteen minutes and laid around until we went to breakfast at eight am to where i proceeded to order a very large cup of french vanilla coffee and added around thirteen sugars. we were back in pantas by nine where i power napped another fifteen minutes and then had to finish my studio work. class started at two and locked out once more all of the writing majors (with the most potential, who are evidently in my studio class) stood outside and i could feel the air growing thicker with tension. thinking as though we were all set to read our speeches aloud, i made snide remarks here and there about samantha’s tasteless rant about art school and the writing majors who were involved. five minutes later which really felt like hours later we piled into our classroom and jim (our professor) instructed us to hand in our portfolios and then told us we weren’t going to read aloud our speeches (most likely due to samantha’s) which really shot me into a distinctively bad mood considering i wanted her to feel as terrible as she made some of us feel. And so it goes. Instead i kept up with my snide remarks telling veruschka “did you know you’re the class drunk?” and having her not understand until i said “read this” and handed her the speech. class ended immediately after taking all of about ten minutes and i, hallie and jeff went to the library and sat in the stacks staring at hitler history books for all of forty five minutes, fading in and out of consciousness considering the no sleep situation. here we are, hours later, with the sleep i got and the cold that might be really be the flu, i sat just talking with certain persons online and i receive a phone call after a failed attempt at amends on sam’s part (her trying to make the peace with me) she continued to verbally bash me and other unmentioned writing majors. this lead all up to the most memorable phrase / quote of the day:

sam: it isn’t surprising that all you do is write about sex considering you can’t get any.

danielle: well samantha, my standards aim a little higher than fucking the waiter at Friday’s.


next semesters going to raise a lot of cheeks and chins.  And so it goes…

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lol i like your quote. 🙂 ryn. thank you. 🙂 xoxo

December 12, 2003

if i was a waiter at Friday’s I’d find that offensive…but I’m not…so I laugh

I was a waiter at fridays… and I do find that funny.