So, I haven’t updated in a while, but then I haven’t been doing much, as I’ve opted for seclusion over sociality. I think it’s been a healthy choice overall.
Donna called me last week, about a day after I came back to my parents’ farm. I told her that I’d probably be back in Milledgeville sometime and I’d call her when I was back in town. I haven’t been back. I don’t know that I will be – or that I’ll bother calling her again. For some reason, I don’t expect she’ll call me either, though I’m unsure as why I wouldn’t expect her to. Really, for all the hatred Donna has generated on this diary, you can’t charge her with not being persistent. I don’t think I once initiated any of our little evenings together and yet she kept calling and asking me out. I’ll concede that it was nice for an ego boost, though I still don’t entirely get why she apparently found our evenings together so enjoyable.
The tragedy of Donna possibly being the most self-absorbed person I’ve ever met and her never being able to read so many diary entries based around her has just struck me. Oh well. Maybe I’ll send her a link in a couple of years when I’m living in another state, eh?
Moving along, there’s another, more important, girl that I’ve neglected to mention during my slew of entries on Donna, and that of course is Heather. Yes, despite what my entries may suggest, I still talk to Heather a massive amount (though a bit less than in past times, if only because of busier schedules) and she’s still a rather big influence on my life. We currently remain mere friends and I’ve semi-accepted the reality that we’re not particularly likely to be in a relationship again.
I am hoping she can make a visit to Georgia during the summer for about 10 days or so, but that happening is far from certain for now, as there are still her parental units to convince and such. It would certainly be nice if she did, as I still consider her my best friend (and certainly the person that I’m closest too) and she’s probably going to be studying abroad in England for a year after this summer, meaning it’s unlikely that I’ll get another chance to see her for awhile. At any rate, things are still much less volatile between us than they were for a few months and my own personal moods have been less volatile as well. I’d go so far as to say that I’ve stopped loathing myself constantly, actually.
And on that happy note we’ll end this unnecessary entry.
It is at the least nice to hear you are doing well. I hope that Heather will be able to come and visit during the summer, and I think you should know that if you can, you should come and visit me sometime during this summer, too. We could spend oodles of time at the beach and such. 🙂
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ryn: At least I’m getting laid occasionally. ^_^
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You never did write me entries about what you do on the farm/what happens on the farm/farm politics/all the things I don’t know about farms.
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