The 5th Annual Diary Survey
That’s right, it’s once again time for the Annual Diary Survey! Also, since the previous 4 Annual Diary Surveys have been very focused on me, I’ve decided that this year I should place the focus on the people who shape my life. Understand, I tried to focus mostly on people (with the exception of Brittainy and Kate) who I have actually met in person, with hopes that it would make some of the questions more applicable. Which means you shouldn’t be offended if you’re reading this and weren’t one of the 8 selected parties. Anyway, without further ado:
Name 8 People:
1] Kate
2] Donna
3] Kyle
4] Robin
5] Erin
6] Heather
7] Brittainy
8] Mary
Number one: Kate
1] Do you love them as a friend, a lover, or are they just there for no reason?: I don’t love her as just a friend. I love her as a soul-friend!
2] Can you trust this person with anything?: She’s never given me reason not to trust her. That said, my expectations for people in general are pretty low, so there’s probably not anyone that I “trust with anything.” But I definitely do trust Kate in a general way to be there for me and there’s really no part of my life that I’m not open with her about.
3] Have you ever kissed this person?: No, not for at least another 2 months!
4] Would you date this person?: Well, she looks like a supermodel, so she has that going for her, however, we’re pretty incredibly incompatible romantically, so I don’t ever see us having a serious romantic relationship, no. Though we’re both secretly worried about falling for each other when we travel to Europe in a couple of months. It’s just, we’re both so amazing, it’s hard to conceive how we can resist each other, you know?
5] What song reminds you of them?: The entire TRL countdown from the summer of 1999.
6] What classes do you have together?: Um, we’ve both taken dance classes! Though, unfortunately, never together. As a side note, I finally did quit the dance class, as a sort of punishment to myself for the spiraling grades that I’ve been having. Which has nothing to do with Kate.
7] How old are they?: Kate recently turned 21.
8] How long have you known each other?: We started talking online in the fall of 2006, when she instant messaged me asking who I was, even though I didn’t know her. I admit, I never would have guessed we’d end up talking every night and planning a trip to Europe together just over a year later.
9] Are you friends with anyone they’ve dated?: Well, not that I know of, but considering how many guys Kate has been on dates with, I probably am!
10] Do you like the same kind of music?: Hmm, I think we’re both alike in that we aren’t music aficionados and don’t have very specific tastes, so, yeah, sorta.
Number two: Donna
1] What’s their name?: See above
2] Have you met their parents?: No, but I know her father is very wealthy and has some connection with “The Masters” golf tournament, since Donna is always sporting “The Masters” apparel.
3] Do you live close to them?: She lives about an hour and a half away now. I make my way down there occasionally.
4] What’s their religion?: She claims she’s catholic, but she lacks any sort of qualities that suggest she is practicing any religion other than maybe self-idolatry.
5] Name an inside joke between you two.: Hmm, Donna tends to make fun of people to their face in a way so that I get the joke but they don’t, if that counts. Also, we toss drunken political puns at each other that her druggie friends are usually completely oblivious to.
6] What’s one thing you both love to do when you hang out?: There’s nothing like alcohol and board games baby . . .
7] Would you ever kiss this person?: As always, ever is a big word. However, I have had a drunken Donna hanging all over me numerous times and the most we ever did was hold hands, so I feel pretty safe in saying, no, I probably wouldn’t kiss her.
8] Have you ever danced with this person?: Sadly, no.
9] What’s one thing you’d like to do with this person?: I’d like to give her a really effective speech about honesty and self-esteem and how she’s an interesting enough person that she really doesn’t have to exaggerate every experience in her life for people to like her. Right, I actually misread the question as “to this person” and not “with this person” but I’ll leave this answer.
size=”2″>10] Did you two ever get in trouble together? When?: Um, I remember we once set off an alarm trying to come in the back door of a bar and scurried away drunkenly thinking we were in trouble . . . but I’m not too sure that counts.
Number three: Kyle
1] Have you ever been to this person’s house?: Um, well, we shared an apartment for two years, so, his residence was the same as mine. And I’ve been to his parent’s house a couple of times too for both get-togethers and practical matters.
2] Have they even been to yours?: Again, we lived together, so yes. And he’s been to the farm several times too, and even plowed a garden for my mother last year!
3] What’s their favorite food?: Oysters. He once infamously prepared oysters and eggs for a meal, which stands as the one meal that he cooked that I refused to eat.
4] Do you talk to any of their brothers or sisters?: Yeah, he has a brother, Jordan, who is getting his doctorate in English at the University of Florida and teaches there. Actually, I’m going to Charleston with the two of them and some of Jordan’s friend in another 2 weeks or so.
5] Do their parents like you?: They always seemed to. Parents usually like me. I’m not a bad influence on anyone.
5] What color eyes do they have?: Actually, I’m not really sure? Green maybe? I could look at a picture, but that’d be cheating. Also, there are two question number 5’s.
6] What song reminds you of them?: Any “The Killers” songs remind me of him, in particular the song with “He doesn’t look a thing like Jesus” in the lyrics, because he was always singing that around the apartment.
7] Name one embarrassing moment this person has had.: I remember in 6th grade he slipped in the bathroom after they’d just cleaned it and got his clothes wet. And then tried to pick a fight with me for laughing at him!
8] Do you two go to the same school?: Well, we went to the same grammar and high school and went to the same college for 2 ½ years too.
9] Have you ever met randomly (ex. you both saw eachother at Shoprite when you didn’t know the other was going to be there)?: Yes, actually, I remember about 4 years ago I was at Video Warehouse renting a movie with my mom and we saw his truck parked in the KFC parking lot. Also, there’s a couple of times where we ran into each other on campus at college. This is a really boring survey.
10] Cutest friend of theirs?: Um, there were a couple of cute girls on the newspaper staff that he invited over when we lived together. Naming them off would be pointless – I doubt I’ll ever see any of them again.
Number four: Robin
1] Are they old enough to drive?: Yes, but supposedly not above the speed limit and not while talking on the cell phone if there’s any traffic. Robin’s a safety first kind of girl.
2] What about drink?: Not only is she not old enough (she’s 20), but she actually doesn’t. She claims to have never tasted alcohol and to have no desire to.
3] Do they do anything illegal?: As my answers to the last two questions may have suggested, no, she doesn’t. Her lawfulness is really one of her defining characteristics (hey, even okcupid says so!)
4] Do your parents consider them a good influence?: All my mother knows about her is that she helped tutor me in Calculus, so, yeah, she probably does think that she’s a good influence.
5] What kind of dress style do they have?: Um, I don’t know. Normal?
6] Is their hair shorter or longer than yours?: Er, longer.
7] Is their hair naturally curly, wavy, or straight?: Straight, I guess.
8] Did their parents ever yell at you?: Her parents have no idea who I am and are very unlikely to ever have any idea who I am.
9] When’s their birthday?: It’s in April sometime.
10] What religion are they?: She’s an atheist. She’s too scientific minded for religion.
ber five: Erin
1] What’s their favorite sports team?: She’s crazy about the GC&SU Bobcats!
2] Do you two talk alot?: If saying “your turn” in reference to online Scrabble counts, then definitely!
3] Are they one of your best friends?: Yes, I’d definitely say so. We’ve actually been friends a frighteningly long time now and she’s proven to be one of the more reliable people in my life.
4] What grade are they in?: She’s a senior in college.
5] Do you share any mutual friends?: We have a couple of acquaintances in common from going to the same school, mostly because I took some English electives for undergrad. And we have mutual friends on OD, of course (she’s Éirinn by the way).
6] Are you related?: No.
7] Do they live close to you?: She lives in the same city as Donna, so, she’s also about an hour and a half away.
8] What’s their ethnicities?: She (and most everyone on this list) is white. Though Robin is Asian and, well, Heather is 1/4th Asian. Donna is Czech, if that counts.
9] Do they make fun of you, jokingly or not?: Funny, Erin doesn’t really “make fun” of me online, but on the rare occasions we actually hang out in person she relentlessly mocks me. She blames it on nervousness.
10] What’s your favorite thing about them?: That’s tough, there’s a lot I like about Erin. Overall, I really appreciate how honest she is with me and how we’ve developed a friendship where we are both really comfortable and open with each other. I value it a lot. As I said earlier, she really has turned out to be one of the more reliable people in my life.
Number six: Heather
1] Where did you meet this person?: Well, depending on how you define meet, either on Open Diary or at the airport when I flew to California to see her.
2] How old were you when you met?: Again depends on how you define meet. I was 19 when we first started talking online (she was 16!) and we were both two years older when we met in “real life.”
3] How many fights have you gotten into them?: No way I could really put a number to this – fighting works a little differently in long distance settings anyway. We never had a proper fight where we just hurled insults at each other, but at the same time, we certainly had plenty of instances where at least one of us wasn’t happy with the other. Overall though, I always think we handled (and do handle) disagreements with a reasonable maturity level.
4] do they argue with their parents alot?: That’s private! I’ll just say that Heather has a pretty strong relationship with her mom and a not as strong of a relationship with her stepdad. Hopefully that wasn’t too much information.
5] Are you on their top 8?: No, she infamously took me off her myspace top 8 when we broke up, which actually burned me a little at the time since I thought it showed she was completely deleting me from her life. Which she probably was, but I’m persistent enough that we ended up staying friends. Also, yes, I am completely pathetic for actually caring about anything on myspace.
6] How often do you see eachother?: Well, since we’ve met, we’re averaging about once a year. If the trip to Europe with Kate goes as planned, I’ll probably see her in May, which will keep with the average, though I’d probably only be seeing her for a few hours as opposed to 10 days.
7] How do they usually wear their hair?: Um, about the normal length for a girl? I don’t know.
8] Do they shave their legs?: She doesn’t as much since the break-up with her boyfriend.
9] Do they go to church?: Yes, she’s a Seventh Day Adventist and goes to a religious school. She apparently even has aspirations to be a pastor’s wife!
10] Have you hung out with them outside of school?: Seeing as I met her online and not in school, yes.
Number seven: Brittainy
1] How often do you talk to this person?: We used to talk on a near nightly basis, but lately it’s down to something like twice a week.
2] Do you have their p
hone number?: Yes, we talk on the phone fairly regularly, as well as online.
3] What about AIM screenname or email address?: Indeed.
4] Do you have any pictures of them saved on your computer?: Yes. Two of them are even of her in a swimsuit! Woo!
5] Have you ever had a crush on this person?: Well, she’s reading this, so you have to wonder, if I have, would I admit to it?
6] Would you date this person?: Well, she lives in California and I am certainly not very interested in pursuing a long-distance relationship at the moment, so due to that, no. And we’ve been friends for so long now that dating would probably be awkward anyway.
7] When’s their half birthday?: Their half birthday? What the fuck? I’m assuming they mean, at what point in the year is she halfway to her birthday . . . which would be in June?
8] What do you usually do when you hang out?: She’ll never come hang out with me, even though I keep inviting her. It’s always some excuse about plane flight fares and having to work in the morning.
9] What’s their favorite television show?: Um . . . Grey’s Anatomy? I’m not sure that she has a favorite.
10] Do you see their parents often?: About as often as I see her.
Number eight: Mary
1] Why is this person last?: Because you save the best for last, obviously.
2] Have you ever confided in this person?: Sure. I confide pretty easily, about most things at least.
3] If they said something really mean to you, would you smack them?: Silly hypothetical. Mary would never say anything mean to me.
4] Have you ever been to this person’s house?: Hmm, no, much to her dismay. Maybe if she moves to Atlanta . . .
5] Have they been to yours?: Yeah, she’s actually the only friend I have who has been both to the apartment I had with Kyle and the house I share with Rebecca.
6] Have you ever gone out to the movies or something together?: Well, exactly how broad is “or something”? We’ve never been to the movies, but we have been to bars and to dinner and to the library and to get ice cream and to get coffee and to her ex-girlfriend’s house before. So maybe some of those count as something.
7] Has this person ever embarassed you? How?: Once, when we were getting ice cream, she told the ice cream lady “This isn’t good!” in a disgusted tone. I was really embarrassed and offered to eat her ice cream and gave her mine instead.
8] Does this person know any of your deep,dark secrets?: No.
9] Have you dated this person in the past?: No.
10] Would you be seen in public with this person?: Of course! I am not ashamed of Mary!
And that’s finally done. I think that may be the most boring survey I’ve done yet, at least for you readers. Or maybe you were really dying to know about the time 4 years ago I ran into Kyle at KFC or that Donna’s dad is really wealthy, I don’t know . . .
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#7 I see how it is.
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They are not rankings! If they were Robin would definitely not be in the top 8 at the moment . . .
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I don’t care, I’m throwing a fit! BIFF means nothing to you!
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I have been wondering about Donna’s dad for the longest time. I am so glad that this survey has finally been able to put my mind at ease.
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I love that you and Kate are going to Europe together. That’s so awesome. Oysters and eggs? Oysters!?
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Whoa whoa whoa, ‘grammar’ school??? How old are you again Matt?? I’m pretty sure this generation just calls it ‘elementary’ school. ~I’ll be
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You totally lied up and down Kyle’s. I KNOW you know what color his eyes are! You’ve gazed into them before, I’m sure of it!! : ) ~I’ll be
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That survey wasn’t your most intetresting but it was an entry so I’ll take it! I just enjoy the way in which you write in general.
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I’m still laughing about the Donna religion question.
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I am so jealous of Erin right now. Oh my god.
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I cracked up at the shaving legs. HAHAHA.
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I can’t believe you (probably) stole this from me and didn’t put me on the list! But I can’t complain really because I steal minutes of your life every week and didn’t put you on my list.
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You had me at TRL in 1999. 🙂
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RYN: She’s not a bloody stripper. She’s a half porn star freak. By the way, she takes it ALL off now.
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By the way, as for being friends with someone I’ve dated– you’re pretty close with being friends with someone that used to date someone that used to date me. Did you keep up with all of that, Matthew Halbert?
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Matt, I am not on your favourites list. I know this because I logged into ‘yuki’ and found you’d updated. Add me! Dude! Seriously!!! xx
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