Smackdown Your Vote!

Recently, I’ve taken notice to several movements that have taken place in both the hip hop and pro-wrestling communities encouraging young people to vote. Both movements have been heavily praised, and it seems they have been met with some success. Yes, finally demographics that have very low voter turnout rates, pro-wrestling fans and hip-hop listeners, are finally going to be voting. And if we can get more people voting that’s a great thing, right?


I’m not so sure. I agree, I think everyone should vote, but I don’t know if simply voting is enough. I already know far too many people who vote for candidates they know absolutely nothing about, and I don’t know that the constant YOU SHOULD VOTE mantra is really as much of a positive thing as it seems. Certainly, you should vote, but you should also make an informed vote. I don’t know if I have confidence in someone making an informed decision on whom to vote for when their primary reason for voting is because The Rock told them to.


In short, perhaps the movement should focus less on the actual voting aspect, and focus more on developing an actual active interest in our political leaders and the country as a whole. Otherwise, I’m fearful we may wind up with Jay-Z as President with Roc-A-Fella Records serving as the cabinet. Not that it wouldn’t be a step up from the current administration.

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June 17, 2004

Hey, yup..people have to focus on the interest and make it real not just blah, blabbing ! lol…i like Jay-Z “dirt off ya shoulder” hehe, but Eminem Is them man, not hip hop but rap, hip hop broza 😉 lol well, good luck with the voting and all ! TC

I definitely don’t want pro wrestling fans to vote. Or Jay-Z.

June 17, 2004

I agree totally. I think that is why MTV has their choose or lose program that has shows about the candidates and informs the youth about who these people really are. I believe they are trying to get people to vote so the next go around, they will want to be interested in voting and who they are voting for to represent them. Brad

June 17, 2004

What if the pro wrestling fans voted only because they thought that stone cold was running? I mean he is a politician. And most wrestling fans are a little slower than most.

i’m against democracy because it gives the power to the sheep. the sheep that vote according to election commercials. of course there is no better system, but elections aren’t about giving the job to the most deserving, but to the one with the biggest pockets, although i hope that is not true in the next elections. most americans are uneducated in politics, uninformed and passive…

…no wonder the republicans are in power and breaking every international rule ever made. everyone should vote, that’s the idea of democracy. voting in the first place will perhaps inspire into inspecting the candidates more closely. and not just using the tv as a source. the tv is not your friend, it’s your manipulator. –katie

June 18, 2004

*points to previous note* dang skippy, sister