Rebecca and the Same Old Stuff
I have a Rebecca story. You see, Rebecca had a security system installed last month, while I was still spending most of my time on the farm. Apparently a bit worried over living alone, she gave me a vague (and somewhat worrisome) story about an ex-boyfriend who came in her house and took some stuff a couple of months ago as the reason. At any rate, every morning that I’ve slept in Athens since she had the system installed I’ve walked out of my bedroom only to be greeted with a siren blaring indicating that I’ve set off the motion detectors in the house.
This begs a rather reasonable question: Why exactly would she turn the motion detectors in the house on when she knows that I am in the house? It’s not as though the motion detectors have to be on with the regular alarm, as she doesn’t turn them on at night, since, obviously, if she did every time someone got up at night they would set off the alarm. Now, being as Rebecca is a doctoral student and a part-time professor at the university, I assume that there must be some reasonable explanation for her setting the motion detectors daily, involving the complexities of the alarm system. However, a quick read of the alarm handbook revealed no such reasons, as it’s as simple as hitting “motion detectors off” or not. Thus, last night I finally took the opportunity to ask her why exactly she was setting the motion detectors every morning when it only meant that I’d inevitably set them off upon rising and she just stared blankly and replied “Because I’m an idiot.”
I can’t argue with that.
Meanwhile, classes began for me again on Thursday and were followed up by my Accounting Orientation and Picnic today. As usual, all my aspirations of making lots of new friends and acquaintances while projecting a friendly, sociable disposition were for naught. On the whole, my experience at UGA seems as though it’s going to go very similarly to mine at GC&SU, with the primary difference being I’m rooming with someone who is both of the opposite sex and partially insane. I had held some minor illusions that things might be a bit different here (and still am holding them a bit), as going to school here does provide me with an opportunity for a “new start” so to speak. But, as Heather told me last night, right now I feel as though I’m reading one of those books where you can pick your own future and every time I start over I just keep picking the same future over and over again and expecting there to be a different result.
And I’ll leave you with that metaphor to ponder.
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Why acounting??? This haunts me. I like those books. I like to try to read them straight through the first time and then read them as many times as necessary to get all the possibilities… She does sound nuts. I have the same issues with making friends…the same expectations and fer-naughts and so forth… This is a stupid note. My apologies.
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Matt, you misquoted me. This is just further proof that you do not listen to me. I said, “Right now, I feel as though my life is one of those books where you get to choose the ending, only I keep picking the same story over and over again.” Or something more like that.
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^Psh. I was paraphrasing.
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Nice metaphor by the by. Also, I think Rebecca would make a great character for a short story or novel. She seems quite interesting,though I’m not sure I would want to live with her to find out all her idiosyncracies. I agree with you on finding friends in college. I’m the same way, though I don’t think either of us have any deficincies that would prevent it. Just the luck of the draw I guess.
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^ Matt and I have thought the same thing.
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So what do you try and do that always ends up the same? Like I try and get office jobs? I sort of know what you mean, though life is famous for yanking the rug out from under you. I could never live with anyone like Rebecca, due to mess and sex and all sorts of other things that set off motion detectors!
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Determinism haunts us. But it’s not its fault.
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