Nothing That Interesting

Well, I’m back on the parents’ farm now. I moved back on Saturday and, naturally, the electricity promptly went off on Sunday morning and stayed off for three days after a wave of tornadoes swept through the neighboring area. There was no damage to the farm though, so I guess we were lucky in that sense. And having no electricity forced me to do some reading, something I hadn’t done at all while I was in school, so that was nice.

I’m really comfortable being back at home, probably a bit too much. It’s just stupidly easy living here – my parents prepare my meals and wash my dishes and I’m free to piddle around watching movies and reading books and I swear I really don’t get bored doing it. But it’s really not a good thing, because I can’t live like this forever and I feel like living here really brings my life to a halt in terms of social interaction and all that – not that I was getting a lot of it before moving back either.

My grandparents’ old house is next door and I’ve thought of moving in there (since I could have it rent free), but I’m not sure if there is much purpose in that. I’d still be in the same secluded area and it seems pretty ridiculous to move next door and pay for utility bills when I can just live here. Plus, no real reason that I would want to live next door and just be by myself – I’d just be lonely and end up staying at my parents’ most of the time anyway. If I were actually having friends over and such, I could see moving next door just to have a bit more privacy, but seeing as I don’t really have any friends here at the moment, there isn’t much point at all.

I might move more into the city eventually, but I’m going to wait and see how that job goes first. I’m starting that sometime in June.

There really isn’t much else happening. I’ve still been chatting with Darcy from okcupid, but it’s nothing that interesting. I’ll start updating more often again when there are things to say.

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May 17, 2008

You and me both. ~I’ll be

i wish i read more. for the most part, its stupidly easy living with my mom, as well. this makes it a bit difficult to motivate myself to move out to the (real) city. hope the new job goes well. until then!

Hey Mattpie. Thanks for your notes. RYN: We all acknowledge the unfairness of my situation, even Mom. Er, nothing to add to that… I saw you had called but my lame grandparents were down and didn’t leave for awhile. Then I fell asleep at nine. Lame. I know. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

May 18, 2008

Ah, no one can blame you for some downtime. Sounds right nice.

May 18, 2008

ryn: I don’t mind. Yeah, Kira never quite forgave me for some of the internet-communications I forced her into. I don’t know anything about John right now. I think maybe I’m still having a delayed slowburning panic attack about how serious the TB got. Maybe. And I ache for me and him and K. It was something so miraculous to me. to all of us I think. despite the end. I think I’ll rememberit when I’m 80.

May 18, 2008

To me, it seemed like you barely wrote about Heather in your diary. I mean, not about her as a person – stuff about having long distance relationships, you did a bit.

I’m about to experience that whole life with the parents again. I’ve been gone for a long time and I’m not sure how I am going to do living with them. I realize I won’t be home much… 2 jobs will see to that. but I also won’t have much in the way of social activity either. So perhaps we’ll be in the same boat and can commiserate with each other from time to time. 🙂 Don’t fret. Life is good for you.

May 18, 2008

RYN: I should have listened to you in the beginning. I remember you left a note that said nothing would come from the crush except entertainment. I don’t when I started taking it seriously, but that was obviously a dumb-dumb move on my part.

nothing wrong with living at home for awhile and saving up some money,etc., but i’m sure that it gets old. i know, because i still live at home. where is your new job located? maybe you’ll meet people through work.

May 19, 2008

You just said piddle. You know what I learned? If you directly translate it, in Spanish they say “I am going to go make pee” or something like that. Jajajaj. Anyway, talk to you in a bit hopefully. Hope you’re getting some pogo practice in! P.S. your turn in scrabble.

May 19, 2008

Thanks for the note. 🙂 I come across assholes often; thus, stating that I do get defensive, remember? Enjoy your relax time. It seems like something I need right now. Sh*t, I live in “paradise” and I get no time to relax. So, good for you!