I Suck at Accounting

So, the odds are actually looking good that I’ll graduate in another two weeks, although there’s still a small chance that I might not. I’m definitely relieved that it looks like I’m going to pull through, though honestly I never dreamed that I’d have even a miniscule chance of not graduating on time – and I am still one fuck up away from not making it, so I’m not breathing too easy yet.

Even assuming graduation, I am a little concerned about my ability to actually do accounting. I thought about it and my GPA in accounting classes at both the undergraduate and graduate level was significantly lower than my overall GPA – the reason I’ve struggled so much in grad school is primarily just because I’ve had to take a higher concentration of accounting courses (and a higher GPA is required). And yeah, it’s a little depressing that the field I’ve chosen to enter might not be what I excel at, but I’m pretty obligated to at least see how things go as an accountant at this point. Admittedly, the positive side of my academic work is that I tend to do better on research based assignments which probably come closer to measuring how I’ll do at my job than exams based on memorizing accounting rules.

Right, I’m sure you’re all thrilled to be reading about my accounting fears. Sorry, I haven’t talked to any new online girls, so this was the best I could do.

<P> <a href="http://s28.sitemeter.com/stats.asp?site=s28matthew" _fcksavedurl="http://s28.sitemeter.com/stats.asp?site=s28matthew" target="_top"><P> <img src="http://s28.sitemeter.com/meter.asp?site=s28matthew" _fcksavedurl="http://s28.sitemeter.com/meter.asp?site=s28matthew" alt="Site Meter" border="0"/></a><P>

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April 23, 2008

well mate, you haven’t started the job yet so it stands to reason you’re probably not that great at it yet. Give it a try before you decide you can’t excel at it I guess. Do you think some of it’s that you’ve always been a student and the change is just scary and that?

April 23, 2008

I don’t know what to say to your note the other day. It actually meant summat to me, more than I should probably admit to. Sometimes I think I – particularly me, I mean – need to… love very hard and very fearlessly, in order to make up for everything I don’t have and can’t be. Then other times I realise it’s just – a recipe for disaster. Every time.

April 24, 2008

Accounting is generally pretty much the same thing over and over once you get in a job if I’m mistaken…I could be wrong but thats how it seemed at my old job. I used to do payroll so I worked with the accounting dept. closely.

April 24, 2008

maybe actually doing accounting (once you get a job) will be better than doing it for a grade? (i know what i’m trying to say, but i don’t think i’m saying it right. did either of those statements make any sense? 🙂 )

April 24, 2008

i landed a job in it, though it was only a certificate i received (not even my a.a. or b.a. was in accounting..) you’ll learn wherever you end up and adjust it. college is just fundamentals.

April 24, 2008

I think michael. is right. ~I’ll be

I consider the school you are at, when it comes to that. You are at a pretty great school with some high standards. I think that you will do fine in your job. It won’t be AS demanding as school was. The point of school is to work you as hard as it can so that when you get out things seem a bit easier at first. Work will not slam you right away. It wouldn’t be right if they did. 🙂 You’ll do fine.

April 24, 2008

I hope its a correlation…I think.

it’s called “on-the-job learning.” you’ll be fine. unless you hate it. then you’ll have to go find something you love.

April 24, 2008

So about accounting appeals to you?

April 24, 2008

Im sure your going to do great. Your just nervous about graduating.

April 25, 2008

ryn: I really didn’t mean it like that. I was trying to be encouraging. Sorry.

April 25, 2008

That particular entry is about how boasting about being a fuckup to eyebrow-raising older waitresses comes back to haunt you, I’m not sure that makes you fortunate in comparison as much as simply Not A Dickhead.

April 28, 2008

I feel like such a horrible friend! I didn’t even know that you had written a new entry. It’s been up for a whole 4 days! I do apologize.

April 28, 2008

You are not actually obligated to go into accounting. You can switch to something else. Of course, you would actually have to stay in school longer but you could do it if you wanted to. Not that I actually think that you want to. Just thought I would put that out there anyway. A little thought from me to you!

May 1, 2008

It’s not easy

May 2, 2008

ryn: damien rice for another time . . . now i wanted something a little more direct. not that being a tease isn’t fun.

I allowed public notes just for you.

May 4, 2008

Hope it works out. The nice thing is that real life has very few non-open-book exams.

it seems that accounting in practice wouldn’t seem as bad in real life as it is textbook and exam-wise. i’m sure you’ll be fine. ryn: hahahaha! thanks. yeah, that is a good number.

May 5, 2008

ryn; Still pretty low, she’s not single.

May 7, 2008

ryn: yeah yeah you’re a proper stalker, I know! You should update. Not with twenty true/false facts about you either.