Day 2
As one would expect, I am starting to adjust to things a little. I still think they’re being pretty negligent in their lack of training me (even though apparently most of you think that this is how it is with most jobs), but it’s not like they’re just asking me to learn a new computer program on my own, exactly. It’s more like them asking me to learn a new computer program if I didn’t even know what a computer was. Which is to say, I don’t even understand even very basic things about the banking industry so that it makes it extremely hard to grasp the steps that I’m supposed to take in auditing one; I would learn much more quickly if they actually gave me something of a foundation. But, anyway, I’ll trudge my way through it.
Another thing, I’ve known that being an auditor puts you in something of an adversarial position, but, like a lot of things, you don’t really completely realize that until you actually experience it. As an auditor, I’m basically acting as an inspector of the bank and its employees, which, naturally, isn’t necessarily exactly a welcome thing, since I have the potential to write them up. And I will be writing them up for tons of things, I think my job would be a lot easier right now if this bank were actually doing anything right. But with every step I can’t figure out whether things aren’t going as they should because I’m checking wrong or whether they’re actually doing it wrong. It’s been pretty tiring.
Right, I’m thinking all of this will be easier once I get on a schedule that allows me to actually get some decent sleep at night . . .
This sounds like loads of fun. Glad I didn’t choose your major. Also, I have to disagree about the lack of training being normal. I’ve never had an experience like that, and it seems pretty impractical to me. Maybe your supervisors don’t know your degree wasn’t in auditing this particular bank? I don’t know. But I hope you figure things out. Get some sleep! It’s late!
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At Ruby Tuesday you get a walkthrough of the restaurant the day they hire you, then you have three days or so of following another server around throughout most of their shift and observing, then a day of them following YOU around as you work your first serving shift, then a shift of just running food for a night to learn all of the dishes. Then your first serving shift of your own you get a section of three tables, and then you start being a server For Real. So yeah, not all jobs have shitty training. ^_^
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ryn: Years ago, to be honest. He had to shave it off for his job at Voldemart, and since he’s been home he has let the whole thing grow wild. Even when he shaves the rest of his face he leaves the beard-tee, as we call it. I hate it. ^_^
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What’s your schedule like so that you’re not sleeping the right amount?? Aren’t you working like…eight to five or nine to six, or do you do audits while the bank is closed? Also, your second paragraph makes a lot of sense and that sucks. Good luck. Oh, happy hump day. : ) ~I’ll be
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Are you going to write about every single day you actually work? 😉
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I could never do what you do…so I admire you.
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No, Matt, you’re right. They should be training you and explaining how to do things. Some people don’t realize the necessity of proper training. Everyone is different, everyone learns differently. It’s possible that whoever started the company is one of those that learns by doing, and not by anything else. I do think they should give you some direction, that there should be a certain method they
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prefer you to follow. I would NEVER let someone work for me without me training them. EVEN if they’ve worked for the same company before. It’s just not an option. So yes, I’m rather surprised that they’re not giving you the training and procedural direction that you need for your new job. Did Michael wink at you? Oh, what I wouldn’t do to get a wink from him… LOL. Since I never get to talk to
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you anymore, you should know that yes, I do have another crush on Bob again. UGH UGH UGH. Also, Michael is doing everything right so I’m all confused in that area again. I broke Kevin’s heart and I feel terrible about it. I need some amping for Friday’s trivia night. I also need a huge dose of Matt. However, the best time for me to actually talk to you is like 9pm-11pm your time. PLEASE CALL.
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one thing about jobs … they NEVER train well. Everyone’s busy. Once you accept that and start figuring stuff out yourself, you’ll have a lot more fun and learn faster. 🙂 Auditing sounds … like … fun?
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That sounds exciting, Matty. It’s hard to know everything. I think they will be patient enough with you, and if you end up doing something wrong, they will tell you before you proceed any further. 🙂 You must assume you are doing your job correctly until told otherwise. 🙂 Relax and be authoritative.
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That sounds pretty scary. You have a lot of power so abuse it!! (Just kidding)
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Are you having trouble sleeping? You should call me and let me describe to you the various things found ground into my carpets. That should do the trick. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
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Don’t let me stop you writing! You know that some of us have been writing pointless entries and leaving everyone pointless notes despite having lots of jobs for years, haha. What did you use to do with your time anyway?!
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Welcome to the real world! That’s how most of my jobs have been. When I became a store manager they handed me a binder, told me to read it and left. I basically had to guess my way through it all. I made a ton of phone calls to the other Hallmarks for the first month or so. You’ll get the hang of it. And if you need someone to walk you through it the first time, you should ask them to.
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working sucks, doesn’t it? that’s why they have to pay you to do it. i’m surprised you never did an internship where you could get some on-the-job training. as for teaching, we actually spend a whole semester practicing on real kids. kinda scary.
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Hello, you. I miss the hell out of you. RYN: I felt dreary writing about my plans. Hahaha. What I really want is to retire. xoxox
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“Right nice guy”… are you going Sheffield on me? Book recommendations: I can do. Yes, Allie & CJ make my life sane right now. If you don’t get round to ever reading any of my other stuff now you have a job, read this: Best weekend in ages.
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